Chapter Seventeen

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Peter's POV

After the decision was made for game night, I immediately informed Steve that spiderman is calling it a night since I wanted to spend time with my friends and my amazing girlfriend so I can live a normal life properly while juggling my 'double' life. Once we made it past Times Square we decided to take some pictures of each other doing weird goofy photos which brought everyone's spirits up to a significantly equal level. "Hey, I know we haven't spoke much for the past month after what happened.. You know I'm sorry right Pete?" Ned nervously brought up the conversation, "Erm yeah, I know man I just didn't like what you said about her cause well... You never gave her the time or day to show you real her, the her that I love. But all water under the bridge man, what made you come and say that anyway?" I curiously asked after I gave my forgiveness and he gestures at Michelle.  "She's a treasure man, don't let her go." Ned placed his hand on my shoulder while giving me his thought about the amazing woman that brought us back to the dynamical duo we're known for.

"I know man, you don't know how happy she's made me since... Mr Stark died. She really brought me back up." I tearfully admitted while he nodded to show acknowledgement of the fact she's the reason why I'm still Spider-Man and more importantly, Peter Parker. "By the way, the new suit is dope!" Ned beamed and then.... "What new suit?" Betty intruded. "Oh it's nothing! It's just something Pete and I have worked on for the next championship." Michelle lied.  'She must love saving my ass.' "Oh okay, hope it's something that'll represent us as a group and the school alone." Betty concluded while we all nodded in agreement. "I think we need to do something about Flash though, what he said wasn't cool. " Ned brought up.
"We can't, schools already booked his place for the trip." I sighed in disbelief. "Where is the trip going to be anyway?" Ned asked Michelle. "four major European cities. London. Paris. Venice. Prague." She explains happily while looking at me the entire time she spoke. "Sounds exotic." Ned concludes the conversation excitingly.

After we all entered my apartment we decided to get a load of old games that I used to play with uncle Ben and aunt May. Ned chose Operation, Michelle chose Scrabble, Betty chose Connect Four, "Why don't we play Monopoly?" Abraham asked while he reached for the dusted box, "Sure but if any friendships are broken tonight, its your fault." I answered while Michelle looked at me weirdly, "What? It really does tear friends apart!" I exclaimed to prove my point. "We shall see Parker." She replied a little sinisterly and with a little hostility. "Okay Jones, you're on. For the tonight you're not my girlfriend but you're my enemy. Although don't kiss anyone else, love you really." I sarcastically said yet with a serious tone. "Well I ship." Ned joked.

After a few hours had passed, Michelle had won two games, I won two as well. Everyone else tried competing but we was too superior however, they thought during the final game of Connect Four that I wasn't paying any attention, "Okay, I bet ten dollars that they'll fuck by the end of tonight." Betty confidently informed Ned and Abraham, "I bet double of that if they don't." Abraham sarcastically countered. As we was doing first to 5, it came to a standstill where Michelle had won four and I had won four. She glared at me with signals of competitiveness and it sent chills down my spine. After we got to half of the board I saw four openings to win but Michelle only had two. I made my move but intentionally let her gain the upper hand and ultimately win.

In a moment of glory, Michelle jumped up and started dancing with Betty while Abraham and Ned came up to me, "You let her win didn't you? Ned asked dumbfoundedly, "Yeah obviously, look at how happy she is." I replied where they nodded.

Michelle's POV

After I stopped dancing with Betty, we ultimately sat down while the guys were all catching up. "So who asked who?" Betty asks curiously. "It was Peter. I wouldn't have been able to have done it first since I was scared of how he felt." I replied honestly, "Well it was always obvious he had something for you even when Liz was around, I don't know how everyone knew but we just did. How long have you.. Felt like that about him?" Betty pressures me more but I didn't care to be honest. "Since the first day of science class, just how smart he was just made him so attractive." I smirked at him knowing he could hear. "Not gonna lie you're right but I'd be surprised if you don't have sex soon with the intensity you have with one another." She confessed like everyone else already thought the same. "I don't know, we've only been together almost a month so I think we're doing it on our terms as such since we don't want to rush like everyone else has in our year group." I countered with one hundred percent honesty. "I'm guessing you haven't seen him with his clothes off yet?" Betty intriguingly asked again. 'Come to think of it, I haven't actually seen him with a top off or anything.'

After Betty finished interrogating me, Ned decided to come over and talk about Peter and the school trip. "He really cares about you. You know that right?" I nod to form a reply and to acknowledge he was there. "I do and I think he knows I care about him too. Even though I'm terrible at showing my feelings, he still seems to bring them out." I elaborated my answer to which Ned agrees with, "I do agree on that but I noticed this afternoon that you are more open and less caring about what people think about your true feelings." Ned replied honestly as I absorbed his words. "What can I say? I'm with who I belong with and I'm with my closest friends." I smiled as Peter walked in on our conversation. "I wonder who this person you belong with is, after all he is very lucky." Peter confidently smirked. "And I'm even luckier that the person I'm talking about is you." I blushed as I truthfully said what I knew was right while I sat with my friends as they all began to sit down and begin our moment of closing the evening.

Well that's a wrap guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter. This is by far the happiest chapter to date and hopefully there maybe more but hey, it's a book about a superhero so anything can happen. Stay safe everyone and i hope you have a good spring break.

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