23. Secret is out

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Chapter 23:

Kora's POV:

"KORA! DOM'S BODY HAS BEEN STOLEN!" Greg's hysterical voice echoes through the room as he barges in. 

Right on time.

But I jump to my feet and act shocked and sad,"WHAT?! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?! WHERE IS MY HUSBAND'S BODY??!" I break down in fake tears. 

Greg holds me close,"I'm so sorry Kora," he murmurs,"We have the best vampires on the team tracking the people who did this."

I shake my head,"Why?!" I sob,"Why did this have to happen?! Everything was so perfect!"

He lets me fake cry myself to sleep. When he lays me down and leaves, I decide that now is the best time to explain my plan to Blake. 

'Blake, did you get out the territory alright?'

His reply comes moments later,'Yeah, we're all fine. No one spotted us. We are on our way to our pack territory to hide the King. Then I'm going to get in touch with my pack,' he tells me. 

'Okay good.'

'Now, what plan are we all playing out?' he questions. 

I sigh,'The last few nights have been so difficult. I was so drawn between saving the werewolves, and keeping Dom alive. When he snuck out and told the other vampires of his plan to exterminate all werewolves, I thought I had failed. But after a lot of thought I came up with a different approach. One where I wouldn't have to kill Dom,' I tell him,'I faked Dom's death; getting him out of the picture but not having to kill him for real. I lied and said he made me Queen so his followers would listen to me. My main plan is...to try and bond together vampires and werewolves.'

I close my eyes and think of the pictures that my mom had of her and my father. They're love shows that both species can coexist harmoniously. 

'My parents were mates somehow, and they lived together happily, and even had a child, me,' I say,'I'm sure they are not the not the only wolf/vampire soulmates. Maybe just the only ones that have actually found their mate. But if I can convince the councils to make a treaty of some kind, then maybe we can stop this war and live in peace.'

'How do you plan on convincing them?' Blake asks. 

I swallow,'I'm going to reveal to all, that I'm a hybrid. That I was able to be birthed from both species. Proof that we can live together in peace.’

'Kora! They could kill you on the spot for being a hybrid!' Blake shouts out in concern,'They aren't accepted of a mixed breed. They would think you as an abomination!'

I sigh,'I know. But there is a possibility it will work. If I don’t reveal myself, then I will be looked on as a crazy vampire who wants to make a treaty with the werewolves for some unknown reason.’

He’s silent for a few moments,’…Okay, I have trust in you that you know what your doing. But I want to be near you when you make the speech in case something bad does happen.’

Okay,’ I agree.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


I stand on a small stage, looking over at the hundreds of vampires that stand in front of me. I’m dressed in a beautiful blood red dress, with my hair masterfully done. I look like a true Queen, too bad that is a lie.

“I know that none of you may know me,” I say loudly, making sure everyone can hear me,”You are probably wondering where your King is.”

They murmur in agreement.

I gulp and make fake tears start to appear,”Th-the King…is dead.”

Screams, and shouts of disbelief ring through the air.

I nod sadly,”It is true. It was done by a rouge group of vampires,” my eyes redden to feign anger,”They even had the audacity to steal his body!”

Everyone is in an uproar. They believe that their beloved King is dead.

“This shows, werewolves aren’t our only enemy. Like humans, we have theft, and murders of our own kind,” I tell them.

A girl with brown hair frowns at me,”Why do you not hate werwolves?”

I sigh, now is the time to tell them. “I know that most of you may not know who I am. I was a guard on the Kings elite team, and also his lover.”

Gasps ring through the air.

“He made me his Queen only nights ago. But he was killed before he could announce it today.”

“Why did you not have a normal ceremony for crowning?” a man shouts from group of vampires.

I gulp,”Dom didn’t know how you would all react to me, to what I am,” I scan the unfamiliar faces, watching their reactions,”I didn’t want to hide it from you all. But those rouge vampires got to him before we could announce this together to all of you.”

Everyone is silent, awaiting my secret. The secret I have kept hidden for almost 13 years.

“I’m no ordinary vampire…” I pause,”I’m a vampire/werewolf hybrid.”

Everyone stills and stares at me in a mixture of emotions. Shock, confusion, anger!

A man near the front steps forward and points at me,”You are the devil’s spawn!” he shouts,”You shouldn’t have ever been able to be born!”

Others agree with him.

“You are an abomination!”

“Kill her!”

"She can’t be our Queen!”

“She probably killed the King!” and elderly woman screams,”She is working with the wolves!”

My eyes widen as they are start to converge toward where I stand.

I..I can’t move. Shock freezes my body up. My worst fears of them not accepting me are coming true!

I can’t breath. I’m having a panic attack!

A man comes from the building behind me and yanks me inside. He lifts me in his arms and runs the opposite way from the angry mob of vampires. Dashing through the hallways of the old house, and out the back window. 

I stare at him in a daze, before I fall unconscious.

The End


Da Da DAAAAAA!!! Yep this is the end!




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