15. Plans

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Chapter 15:

*Weeks later*

Kora's POV:

So far mine and Dom's relationship is wonderful. He's such a sweet guy, not to mention his rock hard abs and talent in bed.

He will wake me up with breakfast in bed some days. Other days gentle kisses. In short, he treats me like a real princess.

I love him, I really do. But lately i've been feeling my wolfen side grow restless. Thats the part of me that also still loves Blake. I yearn for my mate at times but then I remember he's the reason my father was killed, thats not something I can just get over.

I walk down the large stair case of Dom's castle to the second floor where Dom's office is.

Inside Dom sits at his desk going over some documents from other vampire clans. He glances up once he hears me enter and smiles. He opens his arms, I walk over and sit on his lap, putting my arms around his neck.

He closes his arms around me and pecks my lips with his own. He spins his chair around and we watch as the other vampires practice fighting on the large green lawn.

He rubs his hands up and down my sides,"So what are you up to?" he asks.

I shrug and lean my head on his while gazing outside,"I just came from the library, thought I'd come see you before going out to help train."

He smiles and nuzzles my neck,"Find anything interesting in there my little book worm?" he teases.

I roll my eyes. He knows my love for reading almost matches my love for him. Anyways his library is amazing, huge bookcases line the walls. Some days I just wander through there for hours.

"Nothing too interesting," I answer. Ive been trying to find information about hybrids, to learn more about myself. But so far I haven't found anything.

He kisses up my neck,"I'm sure you'll find something about yourself," he reassures me,"You can't be the only hybrid out there."

I let out a sigh and nod. Its really been starting to bug me, I want to know if there has been other hybrids. And if I have a special powers I dont know of. I mean I'm stronger than both vampire and werewolf, and my odd scent that camouflages myself. I want to learn more of my kind.

I look to Dom and smile,"I'll see you later."

He kisses my cheek,"If they aren't crawling on the ground-"

"Then I haven't worked them hard enough," I finish for him as I stroll towards the door.

He chuckles,"Good luck, sweetie."


I stand next to Greg, watching new recruits do pushups.

"I still think its weird that your with Dom, and the whole hybrid thing," Greg comments.

Yes I told Greg. He's my best friend here, so might as well let him know.

"Why is me and him being together weird?" I ask him amused.

He shrugs,"He's the Vampire King. And you have a mate, why don't you want to be with him? The fates have put you two together for a reason."

I cross my arms,"I've already told you why Greg."

He shoves his hands into his pockets,"Well, if I could have a mate I would be ecstatic."

I turn to him and frown,"Why?"

He smirks at me,"It would be so much easier getting a girlfriend because she would be made for me."

"Not if she was like me," I huff.

Greg chuckles,"Yeah, you make 'hard to get', the understatement of the year."

I grit my teeth and glare off at nothing.

I think my actions are totally justifiable. He killed my father so of course I wouldn't want anything to do with him. Anyways, we didn't even know each other for five minutes when he was trying to claim me as his Luna. As far as I'm concerned, I did nothing wrong.

I notice one of the new recruits listening in on our conversation. My eyes redden,"20 laps NOW!" I bark at him.

He quickly gets up terrified and does as I say. I let out a breath of frustration then from the corner of my eye, notice Greg staring at me.

"What?!" I hiss.

He shakes his head and looks back at the vampires being trained.

I go to the gym in Dom's castle to blow off some steam.

I furiously punch a punchbag.

I just hate talking about or even thinking of my mate. Every time he enters my thoughts, guilt starts to creep in. I'm not the one who feels guilty, it's my wolfen side. That side of me wants, begs for me to go back to him and set him free. Ask for his forgiveness and love.

I have pushed that side of me away for so many years, and now it's starting to break free because that mutt had to run back into my life.

My wolf side won't win, I'm much stronger at controlling that part of me since I am more vampire than werewolf.

Soon that mutt will be forgotten and I will be able to live my life with Dom in peace.


I'm now sparing against a metal mannequin. Wooden ones would break too easily under our vampiric strength, the metal has many dents though.

"What did that poor mannequin ever do to you?"

I swipe my staff at the mannequin's head with incredible speed and strength, the head flies off the body and embeds itself into the wall on the far side of the gym.

I turn to Dom and smile breathlessly. He hands me a bottle of water,"Your strength is amazing. It makes sense now though, because I know your a hybrid."

I lift the bottle's lid to my lips and take a huge gulp of cold water,"What are you doing down here?" I ask, lowering the bottle.

He walks closer to me with a smile,"I've been planning some things, and I think it's almost time to strike," he tells me,"I want to go over them with you before I tell anyone else."

I frown,"What are you planning? We know that the wolf packs were searching on our lands for me because Blake asked for their help. But now that we have him, it has stopped."

He smiles widely and puts his hands on my shoulders,"I'm planning an attack to annihilate all werewolves and their packs!"


Whoa! What will happen next?! Keep reading to find out!




My Possessive Alpha Mate (Book 1 of the Hybrid Saga)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora