I blush and bite my lip when I start thinking about it again. "I couldn't help it! Her lips were just, like, right there," I say defensively and let out a soft sigh. "And I really, really missed her."

"I missed her too," Claudia says with a slight pout.

"Me too," Fin agrees and I smile to myself because I love that Lexi found a place with my family too. "You should invite her over sometime if you're comfortable."

"Maybe at some point," I reply and look down at my phone when it vibrates.

Unknown: hey
Unknown: it's alexis
Unknown: you know that super hot girl from the bar

I chuckle to myself and save her number to my new phone then push myself away from the door.

"I'm gonna go to my room, see you guys in the morning," I say and walk down the hall. Benny hops off the couch and trots after me, which he always does.

I'm his favorite, so he sleeps with me.

"Love you, kiddo!" Claudia calls out and I smile to myself.

"Love you too, future in-law!" I call back before waking into my room and shutting the door behind me.

I text Lexi back then change into some pajamas, brush my teeth, wash my face then get into my bed with a tired sigh. Just as I'm about to roll over, snuggle into Benny, and drift off; my phone buzzes again. I debate whether or not to check it but give in because I know it's Lexi, rolling over to read it.

From there, we end up texting for at least an hour. Texting turns into a phone call in which we talk about everything except the elephant in the room, that being what got in between Lexi and I in the first place.

She tells me about how she's at school again, but she lost her scholarship to USC so she's working towards transferring somewhere from 2 year college. That broke my heart a little, because Lexi worked so hard to earn the scholarships she got, but she never got to take advantage of them.

I tell her about all the crazy things that have happened to me since we last saw each other; playing Lollapalooza, Coachella, a sold out world tour, all of it. My heart fluttered when she told me how proud of me she was, which was something I didn't know I needed to hear so badly. Eventually, around 3am, we decided to call it a night.

"I still love you," she had whispered, sending my body into an absolutely frenzy. My stomach erupted with butterflies while my heart pounded in my chest.

I wanted to say it back, but I couldn't. Instead, I mustered up a week, "Sweet dreams, Lexi," before hanging up and burying my face in my hands.

Sleep was hard after that, but eventually I managed to drift off.


"Just let me die," I groan and roll over in pain.

"Quit being so dramatic," Finneas chuckles and sits down on the edge of my bed. "Claudia ran out to buy pain killers, she shouldn't be long."

I woke up this morning feeling like absolute shit. My stomach and head are killing me, and I threw up immediately when Fin and Claudia tried to get some breakfast in my belly.

Finneas reaches out to strokes my hair comfortingly as I shut my eyes with another whine.

"I'm sorry we can't stay in to take care of you, Bil. Can any of your friends come over?" he asks and I grunt in response, too lazy to muster up anything substantial. "Maybe just go back to sleep then call someone if you need help when you get up again."

Void // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now