Chapter One

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A/N- Izuku has a quirk which is called 'equip' this quirk allows her to equip any set of armor or weapon she wants and Her 'master' can make her into any weapon or armor they want. When she is in her weapon form she can be seen through the glint of the blade (for an example in soul eater), she is shown from her waist up.
The ages set for the students at UA are starting at 17-18. It's acting more as a late Highschool/collage option.

Bakugou still bullied Izuku as a child because he didn't know she had a quirk because she wouldn't show it and Izuku's mother sold Izuku to the number Two hero Endeavor at age twelve,  she stayed with them and was seen if she would be fit for his son two years later when she turned fourteen Endeavor married Izuku To his son.

She was given to Todoroki as a weapon in which he can use to become the number one hero. Izuku has chosen Todoroki to be her master so he is the only one that can weld her. Izuku also has a quirk License because of her quirk and because she was sold off to Endeavor so he gave her one so she can protect Todoroki at any moment with out getting in trouble.


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I jolted awake and scanned around the darkened room searching for anything, I was able to calm down my raged breathing once my eyes settled on Shouto. I rubbed my eyes and yawned deciding on waking up for the day. I slide out of the bed and made my way to the connected bathroom.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, I made my way to our shared closet and opened up the doors. Peering inside I found a matching pair of Black bra and panties, I dropped the towel and slipped them on. I found black thigh high socks and a matching dress with my normal black mask that only covers my eyes.

after a quick look in the mirror I walked over to Todoroki and shook him awake, He rubbed his eyes before standing up and yawning "Morning Izu" he flashed me a smile "Morning Shouto" a small smiled played on my lips as he walked into the bathroom ...

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after a quick look in the mirror I walked over to Todoroki and shook him awake, He rubbed his eyes before standing up and yawning "Morning Izu" he flashed me a smile "Morning Shouto" a small smiled played on my lips as he walked into the bathroom and started his retinue.

I grabbed my hair brush and combed through my wet hair deciding to leave it down shouto walked out a few minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist he walked to the open closet, after quickly scanning it he pulled out a pair of boxers and the U.A uniform. He dropped his towel and got changed I handed him my hair brush, he thanked me and combed his hair.

He set the brush down and walked next to me, I looked up into his eyes sense he was a foot taller than me. I smiled at him as he placed his hands on my waist and leaned closer to me, I stood on my tippy toes and connected our lips. I placed my hands at either side of his head and deepened the kiss, We pulled away from each other a few minutes later.

Todoroki pulled away but kept one arm around my waist as we walked out of our room and down the long hallway which lead to the dinning room and to the connected kitchen, Todoroki grabbed a red apple from one of the fruit bowls in the kitchen when he noticed Endeavor siting at the dinning table.

'He never eats at the dinning table when Endeavors here and I don't blame him, Endeavor is an ass of a man' Shouto grabbed his bag and handed me mine. We walked out of the house like mansion and down the short driveway, we held hands as we made our way down the somewhat busy streets and towards U.A.

Once we made it to the gates we got our temporary student IDs out and swiped them. Once they were excepted and the doors opened revealing the pathway that led to the training grounds and the main building along with the dorms that we are moving into since we both got a recommendation into the school.

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