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3 weeks later
I walked downstairs and my mom was getting ready for work.  Ivan wants to take me to the beach with his friends and it's going to be fun.  Me and him were planning this for weeks and I will get 2 hours alone with him and also sharing a room with him. . .

Mom-Ok have fun with Iv
Violet-Yess mom
Mom-Make sure you call Tony when you get there
Mom-I love you
Violet-Love you too

She walked out and I waited for Ivan.  I called him and he said he was on his way there.  Tony came in.

Tony-Hey come here

I walked over and he pulled out a condom.  I jumped and I know where this is going.  I roll my eyes.

Tony-Just in case
Violet-First of all, he always use to carry a condom around in his wallet and second, we aren't going to do that
Tony-Vi, you two are going to be alone. . . In a room. . . Come on now
Violet-You really want me to have sex
Tony-No just I want you to be safe and not make the same decision I did

I smiled and hugged him.  I looked at my phone and Ivan texted "I'm here" I grabbed my bags and he open his truck for me.  I got in and Emilio was in the backseat.

Violet-What did you do now
Ivan-Nothing, just rather be safe then sorry

I smiled and kissed his cheek.  I put my seatbelt on and Ivan held my hand. 

To the house
I walked in and it was like a loge.  I looked around and Ivan was following me.  I got into the kitchen.

Violet-Baby this is so-

I turn around and Ivan grabbed my hips and pushed me to the wall.  He kissed me and I got on the counter, he lefted my legs off the counter and started to explore my mouth.

Ivan-Shhhh all I want is to kiss you
Emilio-woo ok ok you two
Ivan-What I have been starting at her for 2 hours I deserve alone time with my girlfriend
Emilio-Not right now

I smiled and got off the counter.  Ivan stopped me and kissed me again.  I wonder what is up with him.   We went to the living room together and there was 5 people.

Emilio-Violet this is, Alissa, Tessa, Ricky, Victor, and Ruban
Tessa-This is Violet, Ivan can not shut up about you
Violet-I guess that is a good thing

We laughed and I got to know all of them they seem cool.  Ivan and I sat down and cuddled and everyone smiled.  I almost fell asleep until Ivan moved me so he can lay down. 

Alissa-She seems like the perfect girl
Ivan-Yeah she is, I love her
Alissa-dose she know about your other side
Ivan-Yeah, but she just make it feel like I have worthy of get the help I need
Alissa-That what you need

I fell asleep and didn't wake up until like 5pm.  I woke up and Ivan was in the bathroom and I waited for him.  He saw I was awake and he looked at me like he was scared.

Violet-Baby what's wrong
Ivan-Nothing just nothing

He smiled and he came to me, took my hip and kissed me.  Soft and sweet.  I kissed him back and soon I moved my hand down to his collar bone.  He laid down and he was only wearing shorts.  But he stopped me.

Ivan-I want to kiss you all day long beautiful
Violet-Stop teasing me already

He smiled and then kissed me again.  Then Ruban came in, he was dressed up and then I realized that Ivan is dressed up.

Violet-What is going on with you two
Ivan-We are going out for dinner, you girls will have a girls night
Violet-Ok, don't get too crazy
Ivan-I won't, only with you in bed.

I smiled and he smiled back.  Ivan got up and I got up to go down stairs.  The girls are talking.

Tessa-Yeah, your awake
Alissa-What do you want to watch, white chicks or Kevin Heart irresponsible
Violet-I love Kevin Heart! So him
Alissa-Yay let's order pizza, do you like pineapple
Violet-Ues but no ham
Alissa-You two are crazy for not liking ham

I smiled and I sat down.  Alissa order the pizza and everything. When the pizza got here we watch the movie and I love these girls!

Split Personality-Ivan MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now