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Me and Ivan were laying on his bed and I been think about what my best friend said, and I'm scared to do anything because of last time.

Ivan-Do you want anything to eat
Violet-No I'm good

Ivan looked me up and down, he wrapped his arms around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

Ivan-How's school going
Violet-Good I guess, get to be the end of the year
Ivan-Yeah I guess, I can see stress wrinkles on you forhead already
Violet-Shut up
Ivan-Make me

He took his hand and put it up my shorts.  I got scared and kept looking at him.

Violet-Iv, I'm scared
Ivan-Why because I'm older then you

He was getting angry.  I need to work though this, but how?  He let my head hit the back bored and got on top of me and got close to my face.

Violet-Ivan, I need you to get off

He grabbed my neck and started to choke me.  He started to shake my head and then he stopped and gets off.  I funlly could breath again after 10 or 20 seconds.


He came up to me and I pushed away.  My throat was hurting and I was catching my breath still.

Ivan-I'm sorry, god I'm an idiot!

He punched the wall and I fell off the bed.  That's when Emilio came in.  He took me out of the room and talked to me.

Emilio-I think it's best if you guys only hung out during videos or meetings
Violet-So you limiting our time together
Emilio-HE CAN KILL YOU!! When Ivan is like that he is a different person.  He is not the Ivan that loves you! He is the person who wants to kill someone!!

I stayed quiet.  Ivan soon came down and walked me too my car.  He looked down and started to cry.

Ivan-I'm sorry Violet.  I have to let you go
Violet-No.  Ivan.  You need me remember.  I need you.
Ivan-But if I kill you there will be no us.  Please don't make this harder
Violet-Ivan, look at me.  I love you, forever and always. 

I grabbed his check and he kissed my check.  I love him.

Ivan-I'm not going to win am I
Ivan-I fucking love you, you know that right
Violet-I love you too!

Split Personality-Ivan MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now