Part 2-The One Person...

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So the chapters on this one will be significantly shorter than my other ones. Just a heads up!


Gilly and Anna tumbled through the portal, landing at Jocelyn's feet. Gilly hit the floor with a crash, certain an impressive bruise would form on her chin. Anna carefully stood, Gilly close behind. Startled, Jocelyn scrambled away.

Before Gilly had time to decide what she would do next, Anna open her curled fingers and blew.  A cloud of pink dust flew toward her sister. Gilly coughed, but the dust didn't stay airborne. It grafted itself to her body, dissolving and sinking in with a slight burning feeling. "Anna?" she stammered.

"Thank you for bringing me back." Anna said with a small smile. "I did want to come home. Everything I said was true. But with Father setting his sights on you running Cobbler Shoes, I had to do something."


"It's a memory spell." Anna said flatly. "I learned it working with Rumpelstiltskin. It buries the memories of everyone who's ever heard of you or been in contact with you. Ever. Except, of course, me."

Gilly froze. 

"You won't be able to introduce yourself to anyone. Their memories won't cement. Slowly, you'll fade from everyone's memories...forever."

Gilly seized her sister and pushed her up against the wall. "How do I reverse it?"

Anna smiled sadly. "There's only one way. And I promise, I will. After I'm running Cobbler Shoes." 

Anna opened her other hand, releasing a purplish powder that swirled around her. She disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving Gilly pressed against nothing with a shocked expression. 

"Ok," Jocelyn began hesitantly, "What just happened?"


"Who are you?" Jocelyn asked. "I've never seen you before. How did you get into my portal?"

Gilly put her hands on her jean-clad hips. "Anna wasn't kidding."

"Who wasn't kidding?"

"My sister." she murmured. "Cursed me with a forget-me spell."

"And a repulsion spell." Jocelyn said, wrinkling her nose. "I can sense it. Your whole aura is damaged."

Hope lit in Gilly's heart. "Can you reverse it?"

"Spells like that are complicated." Jocelyn said apologetically, crossing her arms over her pale purple shirt. "Only those who cast them and those affected can remove them. I can't help you."

"You have to help me! We're friends." Gilly pleaded.

"I wish I could help, but..." Jocelyn sighed. "Look, I know of one thing you could try."

Gilly paused. "What?"

"Well.." she blew out a breath. "We don't have much time, so I'm gonna put this plainly. Every spell is different. A repulsion spell combined with a forget-me spell..." she mused. "The possibilities are numerous. There are many ways to reverse it, it's just finding the one that works."

"So what do I do?"

"My best guess? Who of the one person who has the strongest memories, the strongest feelings for you and about you you can think of? The one person who you rely on for everything, who is always by your side?"

Gilly opened her mouth, then closed it again. Only one name came to mind... "I can think of one."

"Good. Once you've done that, confront them, ask them specific questions about your history together. Connect the new and the old. You're going to have to concentrate hard on the old memories you have of them, the strongest ones you can find. Share your feelings about her as a person, what you know of him or her. And then do something to represent new memories. The stronger the memories, he or she might possibly be able to shake off the spell..." she trailed off, looking bewildered. "Who are you?"

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