Why I Hate Lily Potter II

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I don't like you, Lily.

You're a vain, self-entitled bitch who can't drive. You're a virgin who can't drive.

Grow up, Lily! The present is the future. Embrace that you'll never succeed.


So many dreams of you at night,
so many words that which I could write.

I've loved you once, I've loved you twice.
Love was the feeling, but my actions never right.

I went about things in all of the wrong ways.
My behavior punished you, each and every day.

I'd like to apologize to you, if I may.
I know you'll never listen, much to my dismay.

Your life will continue and in love with you I'll stay,
regretting my decisions as I watch you walk away.

I can fasten on a smile and live my life in vain;
though, no matter what I do, in love I still remain.

I've loved you once; never again.

Never ever again.

I hope you burn Lily.

I sincerely hope you do.


Scorpius Malfoy loved her? Lily Luna Potter's heart was broken. How could she let him slip through her fingers like that? She fucked up. She fucked up.

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