The Entrance Exams

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   I felt confident about the whole thing, way too confident considering the results. I strode up to the famed U.A. which had churned out many a great hero, expecting to simply waltz into the entrance exams and walk out, leaving everyone amazed in my wake. To say it didn't quite go as planned would be a major understatement.

   I hastily made my way through the gates guarding my future high school alongside many other applicants, most in some form of get up that would no doubt aid their quirks. To illustrate, one boy had blonde hair nearly twice the length of mine done up in a bun to reveal what seemed to be speakers wrapped around his neck like a scarf. His quirk, I assumed, had something to do with his voice. One girl, instead of having extra do-dads to her get up, had most of her skin revealed, only particular "parts" and what her dark hair hid remained  unseen. What that was good for, besides making boys stare, was beyond me. On the other hand, I, wore no such thing. I arrived dressed in a T-shirt and sweats, with my hair tied back in a ponytail. Somehow even noticing the attire of the others, I still felt undeterred, and not at all like I was underprepared. 

   After having been herded into an auditorium and gotten the spiel about how the entrance exam was to work by a staff member who seemed way too unenthusiastic, we were re-herded each into classrooms to take the written portion of the exam. The questions were typical what if scenarios and common core questions, which I had no trouble with. The main issue with my time taking the exam was the physical portion. You see, my expectation was that I'd be fighting a real person with a quirk which I could erase. The thing about that was, as explained in the auditorium, we were fighting bots. As in, robots. As in, things that don't have quirks. Catch my drift? I had a quirk that with the right use, could be a tremendous aid to heros, yet I pretty much don't get a chance.

    Despite this, I remained confident. Just because the game wasn't in my favor, that didn't mean I wasn't going to win it. They stood us outside another gate to the arena where we'd be fighting and gave us a minute to warm up. My eyes darted around the people who I found to be opponents, anticipating how I was to succeed. I thought the only way was to find a vantage point and surprise the bots, then try and screw with the inside. I could use debris from other bots to break them. I was on a roll with ideas and the gates opened wide.

   Seeing the gates, I charged forward aside the opponents, observing them  while waiting for some debris and seeking a vantage point. Speakers just screamed at them and then hit them with whatever he could find. Skin stood at the gates, having realized she was at the same disadvantage as me. A dude with engines ran around one, forming a cyclone, tearing it apart. In the chaos a huge sheet of metal shot at me, and probably would've cut me in two if I hadn't side stepped it. Plucking the sheet from the dirt, I bolted to the nearest bot, one that seemed all big forgotten beside the gates.

   I made a mad dash for the bot and when within throwing distance, I chucked the piece of metal at what looked to be it's neck. Unfortunately, the metal didn't chop off the bot's head, but then again, I didn't expect it to. I lunged onto the beast, grabbing hold of the neck when all of a sudden, my ears were assualted with this horrendous, overwhelming sound. It stabbed needles into my ears, causing me to release my grip from the bot and transfer it to my poor ears. It echoed an explosion sound through my brain making it feel like I was being pelted with rocks. I tumbled to the ground, the impact reverberated through my whole being. I crunched up into the fetal position.  My eyes had long since slammed shut as if that could block out the pain, when it stopped. The pressure lifted. Everything around me sounded far away, almost as if I was underwater. I shakily peeked my eyes open to see Speakers crouched over me, a deer in headlights. His spiral emerald eyes peered open wide down at me. Once my eyes opened up he appeared relieved, but felt the need to say something. Taking the noise and the fact that I had my ears covered into account, I had no idea what he said. I just waved my elbows to signal him off. 

   I removed my hands from my ears and pushed myself off the ground. Straightening up, I toppeled back over on the ground. I made more attempts to continue the fight, but I ended the exams disoriented and having no idea what the hell had happened.

The Name's Aizawaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें