Peter parker

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Before you go on please watch the video!! I promise that your heart will explode
Also this is Tony, Stephen and peter being a family but it focuses mostly on peter!
Peters POV
I sit up in the couch just listening to the team talk, this is gonna be good.
It was a Friday night after a major fight and we were celebrating the victory at the avengers facility. Thor was smacked and so was Mr. Stark, mommy spider couldn't stop laughing with the Clint, Uncle steve and Bucky were on the edge of being drunk and Dr.Dad laughed with them. It was days like this that reminded me of how loved I was. Wanda and vision sat on the far end of the couch, Wanda gave me a side glance and smiled. At the end of the night, every one went there own way, Steve and Bucky to there condo in Brooklyn, Thor went to Asgard to see his brother, who I think could be my new uncle, Uncle Clint and Mrs. Mom spider went to there farm and Dr.Dad took me and Mr. Stark home.
When we got home I tried going to sleep but I felt lonely in my room. So I went over to my Dad's room, I quietly knocked on the door and Dr. Dad answered it.
"Hey, Spider-kid what's wrong" he said in a raspy voice. I looked down at my feet and then glanced back at him
"Can... can I umm sleep with you guys tonight" I say blushing a little, I heard him chuckle a bit and then grabbed my shoulder
"You sure can" he said
I smiled as I walked in and snuggled right in between them. It had been a long day with all the fighting around but at the end of the day, it's all worth it.
I woke up to the sound of Mr. Starks sigh, I fluttered my eyes open and saw him smiling
"Hey kid, how'd you sleep?"
"Good Mr. Stark, umm what time is it" I say in a squeaky raspy voice. He chuckles and smiles
"Well it's time to get up because strange is already making food." He says as he jumps outa bed and gets dressed for the day, I lay on the bed not wanting to get up.
"Kid, cmon or you'll miss breakfast, and remember..."
"It's the most important meal of the day" we both say.  He laughs and then sighs
"Looks like a raised you right kid, now cmon up you. Time for breakfast" he say while pulling the covers and trying to get me out of bed. I finally Surender and get up
"I'm only getting up because I smell pancake" I say smiling, this day couldn't get any better.
After breakfast Dr. Dad and Mr. Stark y'all about this fancy meeting they have to go to.
"Pete, you wanna come?" Mr. Stark asks, while finishing up his pancakes.
"Well, I mean do I have to?" I say, I didn't like going to Mr.Starks meetings mostly because they where just a bunch of boring people,  talking about finances and all that junk
"You don't have to, I mean it will just be about money and all that junk, Hey Stephen why are we going anyways" he says while turning to Dr.Dad. Dr.Dad laughed and then responded
"Because your tony Stark and you are a billionaire who needs to do some financial work." He frowns and then looks at me
"Help me" he whispers o me under his breath I smile and take a sip of my orange juice.
" well okay" he says  clasping his hand together "that concludes our most important meal of the day" then winking at me. After cleaning up we heard a knock on the door
"I'll get it" I say swinging to the door. As soon as I open it I see Wanda and vision.
"Hey Wanda" I say smiling
"Hey spider boy, is tony still here?" She says peeking in a little.
"Yes. He's in the kitchen with Dr.Dad" I say leading them in.
"HEY DAD GUESS WHOS HERE!!" I say from across the house.
"It's Wanda and vision!" I say entering the kitchen. looks at Mr.Stark and then at me and then at Wanda
"Hey Wanda, vision, are y'all ready to go?" Mr.Stark asks.
"Wait your taking them" I say kinda sad now that I have to be alone
"Oh no, I'm not going only viz is, finance is boring, I just came to drop him off" Wanda say with a grin and then adding "unless you want me to stay"
I jump up in excitement and lead her to my room while the other adults talk
"Okay so Im going to show you my most secret possession" I say reacting in the back of my closet
"Please don't tell my dads okay" I say looking at her. She smiled and nodded her head while holding out her pinky
"I pinky promise peter"
I smiled and locked her pinky with mine. Then I pulled out a box with action figures, then I pulled them out one by one
First iron man, then Captain America, then Thor and so on till I got everyone out. Wanda looked at me and smiled, lastly I pulled her out. When I did I saw her eyes tear up a little.
"Okay so Mr.Stark and Dr. dad don't know about this but they also don't know well, about the YouTube channel" I said blushing a little. I got a little scared when she didn't answer for a while and then I saw her take out her phone. I see her typing and I thought she was gonna tell tony
"Wait, Wanda you said-" I say but then a noise coming from her phone cuts me off. It was my imitation of Thor
"I, Thor of Asgard, will beat your ass now" my voice say form the phone
"Oh my god, you found my YouTube channel" I say while blushing
"Yes, I did, that's why I came over maybe you wanna do one with me" she say reaching for herself. I smiled and grabbed my camera. Before we started we went to say goodbye to Dr. Dad and Mr.Stark, Wanda said goodbye to vision and they left, when they left we started our video. For our video we started re-enacted the battle of Friday, Wanda used her magic energy to move he actions figures and throw them across the room. Since I didn't have the villain we just used a Ken doll and beat him up. We finished right before lunch. After we cleaned up and put everything thing in the back in the box and in the back of my closet. We went to get lunch and then came back. When we got back we edited the video and then uploaded it. After uploading it we watched a movie and I fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of Wanda saying goodbye to Mr.Stark. Then I felt something warm press on my forehead. I fluttered my eyes open and saw that it was Dr. dad, he has kissed my forehead. I smiled and sat up
"I thought he was sleeping, strange did you wake him" I hear tony say from the kitchen.
"I didn't know it would wake him I was just trying to show some love to my kid, Stark" Dr. Dad answers.
"Actually I woke up when Wanda said goodbye" I say while sitting up from the couch.
"Alright kid, the fancy meeting is over so what do you wanna do" Mr. starks says. They didn't know this but this is the best part of my Saturdays, them coming back from meeting and us spending time as a family.
I grabbed the remote and went to YouTube, one thing that Mr. Stark hates was that I would teacher the other avengers vines and he felt like an uncultured swine, so I went to put on some vines. When I opened up YouTube Dr. Dad saw the recommended and then shouted to Mr. Stark
Mr. Stark came into the room and when I saw the video the color drained from my face. It was my YouTube video.
"Oh man I love these, cmon let's watch it strange" Mr Stark says.
I didn't say anything and just watched it with them, seeing them laugh made my heart explode. I watched them snicker and laugh and comment on it, near the end I was getting sleepy and fell asleep on Mr. Stark. The warm feeling in my heart could make the sun burn for decades

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