29. New Friends and Trouble pt 1

Start from the beginning

"Fang? Fur ball?" Mick started guessed. "Oh. I got it. Cat Killer. Definitely Cat Killer." He started sipping from the beer bottle Dez hadn't seen him leave to get. (He really did that a lot didn't he? Pulled alcohol or food seemingly from out of no where.) 

Deserey rolled her eyes at the arsonist. "It is not!" She frowned, glancing between the two hawks. "Is it?" 

Carter shook his head. "Yeah, probably not." 

"It doesn't matter," Rip said sternly. "I specifically said no pets."

Len sighed, lazily slumping back in the chair he'd been sitting in before everyone had come into the bridge. He flashed Rip an annoyed glare. "Since when does anyone listen to you?" 

Rip made an agitated noise, coming to stand at the center of the room, gesturing with his hands wildly as he spoke frantically. "With Savage and Chronos out there and this project Vostok is working on, we have more pressing concerns. Not to mention Mr. Jackson is injured in the med bay, and we now have another new guest thanks to the events that have transpired tonight." At the mention of Jax, Stein briefly looked up to the captain, but he looked away again when he realized it wasn't an update on his younger half's condition. Rip continued his rant, not even taking notice of the professor. "Besides, it's much too difficult to take care of animals on a time ship. Their side effects are much different from ours, and there's no where for them to go when they need to. Unlike us, they don't have the luxury of a toilet. Then, there's the matter of their food and water. And dogs need a lot of attention, attention that none of us will be able to provide whilst tracking down Savage and avoiding Chronos." 

Deserey shared a look with the other Legends. The thieves looked rather indifferent on the subject, but the hawks looked just as eager for a Legendary Pet as she was. She knew what Rip was saying was important and very serious; and maybe she should have been slightly more concerned about the 'their side effects are different than ours' or even the Chronos and/or Savage bits.... But, honestly... "How can you say no to that face?" Dez asked Rip, gesturing at the dog. 

She was now laying down, head between her front paws. Her eyes were looking up at the captain, twinkling against the fluorescent lighting of the bridge. The dog's tail thudded loudly against the mettle flooring of the ship, as she began wagging. It almost looked as if she too were begging Rip to stay. 

Rip sighed at the sight. Deserey and the hawks grinned back at him pleadingly. He caved a few moments later with a scoff. "Fine! If you figure out what her name is before we leave the eighties then she can stay." Dez and the hawks cheered, the dog letting out an excited howl to mimic them.

Once they had calmed down, Leonard eyed Rip seriously. "Now, what's this about a new guest?" 


After explaining the events of the fight a few hours ago to Kendra, Sara, and Leonard, the Legends, omitting the two halves of Firestorm since Jax was still healing from his injuries and the professor refused to leave his side, gathered in the brig.  (They'd left the dog in Carter's room so that Ray could be with the rest of them without sneezing his ass off.) 

The brig wasn't as big as the bridge, but it was a lot bigger than the fabrication room and the galley. On the far side of the room three glass panels surrounded the back wall. Inside the cell there was a small, rectangular bench but other than that it was completely empty. (Dez had asked why there wasn't at least a restroom for their captive, and he'd told her that the brig wasn't meant to hold people long term.) The rest of the room was just big enough for everyone to crowd around and peer into the cell, where the man with the silver star on his chest slumbered. 

They didn't have to wait long for him to wake up though, because the man started stirring a few moments after the Legends stepped into the room. He glanced around the room as he sat up, taking in his surroundings, before his gaze finally landed on Dez. "Huh," he mumbled. "Sand that makes people sleep? That's a new one." 

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