"Eat." She motioned as she began to brush my hair. Across from me, a male stylist was styling Bradleys hair but there wasnt much to style after his recent haircut and dye. Instead of bright pink hair, the boy now had a light brown colour. Obviously a better disguise in the arena. I guessed because it wasnt blonde we'd be surrounded by trees.

I nodded at him, his eyes meeting mine without many emotions except worry. He just looked down, cutting up a sausage. I followed his actions beginning to eat my full-english style breakfast in a ladylike manor as my stylist pulled my hair back sleek and tight. I'd nearly finished when she stopped.

"Done." She sighed. i trailed my fingers along my hair, finding it in a slick high ponytail. As it was training and i was going to sweat, i had no makeup. I quickly stuffed my mouth with the last few bites of food as everyone had begun to stand. Ash handed me my water bottle when i stood and we all made our way to training.


"In two weeks, twenty five of you will be dead. One of you will be alive."

I looked around the room, investigating it. There was many different stations and weaponry all of them i recognised. I have had my hands on all of them at least once. Some i wasnt good with, some i was terrible with. But most i could work well, and a minor few i was unstoppable with.

The tributes stood beside their district partner as Atala, the trainer, spoke.

"Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next four days, particularly to what I'm about to say." I listened intently, Atala had been my personal trainer since I was twelve years old so I trusted her every word.

"No fighting with the other tributes, you'll have plenty of time for that in the arena." I snickered slightly, remembering the arguments with Clove. One fight wouldnt do any harm, am i right?

"There are four compulsory exercises, the rest will be individual training. My advice to you, is do not ignore the survival skills."

She told me this every session, part of my training was survival skills like edible plants and making shelter or fires or even weapons.

"Everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes." I watched as Clove glared at me, smirking slightly. I sneered back, jolting my head to the ring not too far from us. She nodded.

"Ten percent from infection." I returned my attention back to Atala.

"Twenty percent from dehydration, exposure can kill as easily as a knife." She looked towards me and winked before allowing everyone away to do their own thing.

I walked immediately towards the survival skills, quickly running my memory over the edible plants.

"What're you doing, scared you won't make a dent in the dummy?" I spun around on my heels to meet the face a tribute from District four, the male tribute. I glared at him and clicked my jaw in anger.

"If you could do any better than me, you wouldn't be over here." I glared at him and shoved past him, barging into his shoulder to make him wince.

"Pathetic." I spat at him and stalked off toward another strength training exercise.

I swung across the bars, quickly and stealthily not showing any sign of struggle or weakness. I was frusterated, a target now on the back of District fours head.

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