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I'm not sure how long I have been here. All I know is that I was Cold, and hungry, and aching. I didn't know if Jax was looking for me either. I'm sure he was, but what if he gave up.

I spend most of my time here sleeping, at this point I can't even tell of it's day or night.

Spencer came in, bringing me food again. Every time I ask him questions he awnser with 'Join us and you'll know'.

So this time, I agreed. Well not really, I was going to be more of a double agent.

"So, how do I know you won't go running off to tell your mate all about us?" Spencer asked me, suspicious of my suddent change of heart.

"I've been thinking and you're right, mate or not, he killed my best friend," I forced myself to say, the betrayal making my heart physically hurt.

He nodded and uncuffed me from the wall, leading me into a cleaner room.

"You will shower, change clothes, then go home, telling your mate that you just needed time to clear your head, at school you will give me reports and I will give you tasks, break the rules and we will find you, got it?" I nodded, grabbing the change of clothes from him and following as he lead me to the bathroom.

The men who worked with Spencer left me at the same river they took me from. It was no longer willed with happy memories.

As I made my way to the pack house, I was imediantly hugged by jaxs mom.

"Oh, sweetie we were worried sick about you, where did you go," she asked me, hugging me again.

I contimplated my awnser before forcing a fake smile.

"I just needed some time to clear my head, I'm sorry I left without saying anything," I repeated after Spencer's voice that was still lingering in my head.

I heard the pack muttering, something about getting Jax home, and I made my way to my room, fully prepared to ignore the rest of the world until I got this figured out.

Why is it always me that gets in the scetchy positions?

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