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Nights are freezing cold!!! I'm crying frozen tears
😛 Enjoy!


The footsteps came to a stop at the door Marco and Jean were behind. Marco's heart was beating rapidly. Will they open the door or leave? Jean grabbed Marco's hand, gripping it tightly.

Marco glanced at Jean who was staring nervously at the door. Unexpectedly, the thick door exploded and Marco, not caring about himself, covered Jean from the explosion that sent them flying to the walls.

The air in Marco's lungs were knocked out of him, making him gasp when Jean slammed into his stomach. The young servant apologized worrisomely, yet Marco reassured him he was fine.

The stranger who exploded the door was now in front of them, smirking ever so deviously.

From what Marco could see through the smoke, the stranger has a female figure.

She sighed," After one of your maids told me this mansion is filthy rich, I really wanted to steal, but from what I can see, this place isn't worth the wealth, but the people! These useless maids and servants were sure a great punching bag, and that old man and young lad were pretty good to screw around with!"

Marco was speechless. Did she kill them? All of them?!

The woman then licked her lips," You are the last Bott aren't you? I'll slowly kill you for the honor of being the last! Prepare your nice suit for some red paint-no blood!"

Before she could harm Marco, the last Bott flipped her over, leaving visible shock in her priceless expression.

The noble hurriedly grabbed Jean's hand, and ran upstairs. Once he did, a gore-y home was presented to him. Marco wanted to vomit, but his pride stopped him. He continued to run from his home with Jean right behind him, struggling to run while glancing at every deformed corpse. As they passed homes of nobles from different families, screams could be heard with blood splattering everywhere.

"There are more killers here?! Why are they attacking us?" Marco thought unbelievably.

As Marco tried to find an explanation for this crisis, Jean absolutely knew why there were so many people attacking these rich families.

Slave rebellion.

Once they stopped, Marco looked behind them, seeing that no one was following, he tiredly slid his back on a trees. Closing his eyes for some relief for one of his exhausted senses.

Jean did the same except for closing his eyes. He asked thoughtlessly," What's going on?"

"That's what I want to know... But at the same time, I don't want to know the answer right now. Let's just try to find a way to live, and see what we could do. Once several days past, we'll return, and see the damages and casualties- hopefully someone survived."

Jean wanted to inform Marco about what he truly believed the reason for the murdering was, but looking at Marco, he pitied him. Jean kept silent.

Jean stretched his arms," Let's begin searching for something to eat! I'm hungry!"

Marco breathed, " Okay *huff* I'm hungry, too."

They were in a forest that was unknown to either of them. It wasn't a wise choice to enter a forest at night, yet it was their only option. Who would, in their right minds, return to their home that was currently painted with blood and splattered with exposed dead bodies? Disease could be spreading in that area by now...


Short, but good enough!

:) Until next time, bye

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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