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Yo! How's everyone? 😊 I'm doing fine though LOL!!! I'm at a party making this chapter, so be greatful! Hahaha I'm joking, but I really am at a party doing this. Enjoy~

Oh! 😄 The YouTube video I tagged was the one I was listening to while making this and proofreading 😏 You might have the same feeling of excitement, like me, while reading this! Well... When I was typing this... Plus reading it over... ENJOY💕


The woman was very young, but had the same expression of all of the others, depression. On her shirt, the name Everie was shown. Every boy, who was auctioning, raised their signs up, excluding Marco and Connie. Connie was to busy staring at the man with teary eyes, trying not to laugh while Sasha, the same. Marco examined the girl with pitiful eyes. Although they were (past tense 😉) from the Below Lands, they still are people. Marco didn't like them, more like despised them. Every thing about the people from the Below Lands made Marco want to throw up, but giving them pity was a humanly thing to do.

One of the boys won the woman, who's name will never be Everie again, and happily signed papers and left with the lady following behind him. The next was a boy who looked to be the same age as the three. The boy was hiding in the corner, hardly even showing his face. This didn't make the noble students not want to auction, however. Many girls raised their signs, and only a few boys did.

Marco stared at the Below Lands boy in the cage. As he peaked an eye out to examine the room he was in, the boy finally reached Marco after slowly examine every detail of the auctioning room, the boy stared at him with a mysterious look that made Marco curious. The man angrily whipped the boy on the back, making him show himself in the light shining slightly over the metal cage. Marco got a glimpse of his name before he covered it with his knees. It was Jean.


Once Jean opened his eyes, he was met with bars in front of him. He looked around, and soon discovered he was caged with a cloth covering his view of the outside world. Jean tried to break the bars, but failed miserably. He sat there for about as long as he could count until he was slammed into the bars behind him. Jean guessed that he was in a vehicle that has just stopped for some reason.

The cover that blocked his view was taken off, and a man appeared. The light behind the man made Jean blinded for awhile. The man laughed out with some saliva flying everywhere and a smell that seemed to make Jean want to throw up," Welcome, Below Land boy. You are here on the surface of the DayLight Land. You should be happy now, kid. You get to be a slave of a noble's!"

Jean was shocked to the extinct of his face turning pale and eyes widening. He didn't want to become a property of some cruel noble! It was worse than living in an abandon apartment in the Below Lands! The man opened the rusty cage's door. Jean slipped through the small gap from the man'd armpit and the cage, and was about to run outside, but was stopped by a tall man who blocked his way. Jean fell on the ground of the DayLight Land." That was a bad choice little boy," the man said.


Hours passed with a "training" Jean went through that the strange man created.

After a day or two, he was put into the cage back. The cage was then covered by a cloth again. Jean couldn't see the outisde world once more. He was tossed onto a car with other people like him, and what Jean has heard, they were headed to the school that noble students attended to.

The last words the man told the now slaves were," Never betray your master." Jean understood what that meant in an instant.

"If you want to die a slow, painful death, then betrayal is the right choice."

The DayLight and Below Lands (Marco X Jean)Where stories live. Discover now