I rubbed circles her hand using my thumb. "Okay, Melissa.. You don't have to hurry, get all the rest you need just don't leave us..me.."

"Hey Carroll,"

My head snapped up, hoping that it was Melissa who called me, to my demise she's still laying peacefully asleep.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Carr." The person once again spoke before they took a seat and put it beside me. I turned my head to my side. It was Georgina. "Where is Uncle Michael?" I had asked. It is a wonder how she got here first instead of him.

Georgina gestured outside. "Talking to the police." She explained before a look of concern and sympathy crossed her features. As soon as I saw that look on her eyes, I threw her a glare. "I don't need your sympathy, Georgina. Melissa will wake up anytime sooner, and I'm sure of it." If she came here to just pity my girlfriend, she can get out. It's not like Melissa's not going to wake up forever. She's just resting and rejuvenating so that she can be healthy again.

"That's not why I'm here, Carroll, you know that," Georgina carefully touched my shoulder as if she's hesitating. Well, her eyes say otherwise. "I'm worried about you," the girl has said and I heard rustling behind me, but I paid no attention on it. I have all my attention at Melissa, who is evenly breathing. She looks so peaceful lying on the bed.. But I don't want her being so tranquil, I want to see her alive and awake. I need to see her awake. I need to feel her again. I'd rather take her pissing me off than to see her lying on this stupid bed, looking so lifeless.

"Have you eaten yet?" I shook my head. "Melissa will wake up anytime soon and I have to be on her side when that happens." I explained to her, hoping that she will just stay silent for the rest of the day. I don't want to be spoken to, I need a break from everything. Staring at my girlfriend's lovely face is enough to keep me calm. I don't need foods, I need her to wake up. Until then, I will not bother to eat.

"Say anything, move anything, Melissa.." That is what I remember saying before darkness consumed me.

I woke up to a place that I've never been before. Wait, or so I thought? This is the abandoned mansion's garden. I ran around the bushes and touched some roses as I did so. On my way, I bumped into someone. Who could be here other than me? Mother, but I don't know if she still has the time to go here.

My question got its answer when the person turned her body to me. Long blonde hair falling down to her mid back and those alluring blue pools that seem like little oceans, I didn't need her to speak for me to recognize who this person is standing in front of me.

"Melissa," I gasped, both my hands going up to my mouth to cover it. The blonde looked like a goddess, looking so effortlessly beautiful in a hospital gown as her long hair cascaded down to her back. But wait, what is she doing here? Isn't she supposed to be resting?

"Hey baby," the blonde spoke, as she started coming closer to me. A smile graced her lips the moment her palms made contact with my face. I leaned further into her warm and soothing touch like a cat. I think I purred, "Hmm.. Yeah, Lisa?" My eyes closed on their own accord. Her touch is so soothing, I could stay like this forever. No worries, no problems, just me and her in the world.

But what happened in the hospital?

I must have jolted at the thought because Melissa now had a firm grip on my shoulders. "Baby, calm down," The goddess told me to, and I did without any questions asked. After all, I wouldn't be able to defy that soft voice of hers. My eyes have opened, so I was able to get a good look of her beautiful face again. I'll never get tired of seeing her.

“Let me go, Carroll.”

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean let you go?" I nervously chuckled. She can't possibly mean that..? Right?

A Walk On IceWhere stories live. Discover now