Chapter 1 Confusing People

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This story is dedicated to @destiny_freak for requesting me to do a one-shot. Buttttt I kinda changed it into a story. :3


"Hey Akari! I bought you your ice coffee!" Tori ran grinning towards me, her bright blue eyes shinning.

"Haha thanks again Tori!" I said shyly, blushing a rosy pink.

Tori was always so loud. Her loud voice brought many heads to look towards us. Sometimes I wish I could just hide from embarrassment.

Tori started rambling about something unimportant so I stopped listening and my gaze caught on something, something rather interesting. Many people have heard and seen Team Guy, all saying they were great students that graduated and did everything together. I personally have never seen them in person before. The team consisted of Tenten, Rock Lee and Neji, the most mysterious one.

I gulped when I saw them walk through the cafeteria doors and hurriedly shifted my light green eyes too the beautiful brown table. Today I just happened to be sitting on the side where you could see the door, directly.

My friend was still rambling as I diverted my eyes towards the doors again to see a pair of eyes glance at me. I flushed and pretended to suddenly get really interested in my cold drink.

I nudged Tori and she stopped talking to look at me with curious eyes.
"Wait so you also went on a journey to the mountains as well? Ahhh that makes sense." she nods understandingly.

I stare at her like she just came from another world where you bake fabulous cakes all day.
"Um Tori? Did you just see that?" I ask her, purposely trying to ignore what she was saying.

"Huh?" she looked around and spotted Team Guy and it looked like her eyes had fallen out of her head.

I tapped her shoulder and got no response. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her, "Hallllllo??!!!! Earth to Tori Umi!! Earth to To-"

I was interrupted by a loud bang as the doors to leave were bang shut and Team Guy was standing on the table closest to the door
Tori had come back and she was now also focused on them.

A ear-piercing sound erupted through the room and made everyone groan, clamping their hands over the ears, cursing.
I winced at the noise and saw how all three of them stood their calmly and nothing in their expression or figure showed they heard it. They looked so professional.

"Tori what do you think they are doing here, hmm?" I asked tapping her shoulder as soon as all the commotion died down a little.
She didn't answer but she crept towards the door and yelled something heroic, throwing all her body weight onto the double doors.
I almost face-palmed but from the corner of my sparkly eyes, Neji was eying me closely.
It gave me shivers as if he was staring into my shy soul, knowing every tiny secret inside my brain and all my flaws and strengths.
I froze but quickly tore my gaze away from him. I did not want to cause anymore commotion then there already was.

Blocking Neji out for a second I took my attention back to me idiotic friend, Tori, who was lying on the ground twitching in pain from jamming her shoulder into the rock hard light blue-green doors. Why was she so stupid sometimes?

I sighed and helped Tori up and smiled at her as she demanded she needed to go pee.

Oh wonderful.

Tori went to go ask a teacher.

Not realising she left me in the middle of the front where the stage was placed, I looked like a complete loner.

I facepalmed this time and spun super fast around to go take a seat at a table when I hit something or someone walking near me. My head was throbbing and I landed on my butt, a bruise forming on my butt to keep it company besides my undies....

My side fringe covered my left eye as I peered out in front to the person I smashed into. It was no other then Neji.
He was rubbing his nose as he gave a cold stare towards me.
I gulped lightly my face already flushed pink as I put my legs together, standing up.
Neji was so cold he didn't even offer a hand.
I sighed lightly. I will never get a chance with him.
Fixing my uniform's tie, I turned to leave but was stopped again by an arm grabbing me by the sleeve.
"Wait," he grunted.
I looked up and was captured in his beautifully handsomely, pure creamy white orbs. He didn't say anything else and let go of my sleeve before turning and leaving.
A look of confusion crossed my tomato face as I was slightly shaking as well.
"Well that was strangely-nice..." I was confused with myself.

"Oh yes he did!!" Tori squealed in delight.

I groaned at her inner fangirl which was starting to release again, "No he didn't!"

"Akari, I saw it with my perfectly round blue eyes." She smiled the smile that read she was right. "There's no mistaking it!! HEGAVEYOUtheLOOK!!!" Tori said so fast that I just blinked at her in response, deciding to just give up.

But no, my mouth decided to say something back. "Tori. He didn't." I said through gritted teeth. I could feel my cheeks starting to warm up again and I pressed my hands against my cheeks, hoping to cool them down with my hot hands. I guess I was an idiot too.

Three minutes later we were still blabbering about 'Neji gave me the look like he liked me and I might actually have a chance, OMG!! -.-'.

We were in the library and working together for our next project due next week Wednesday. It was completely empty except for us and the counter lady. No one was going to come to the library now, not at this hour. It was 7:30 pm. The library opened to 8:45.

"Tttttoorrrrriiiiiiiiii," I slid out of my couch chair ungracefully and laid on the ground in the most awkward position you could possibly imagine. "For the last time he doesn't! I'm not pretty or fun or anything! And-"

The door to the library opened and we both darted our eyes towards the creak and immediately looked a each other, eyes wide.

Neji and TenTen stood at the door with two books each, needing to be returned. Tenten smiled, slightly amused whilst Neji looked at Tori who had hearts in her eyes and then turned his head in my direction eyeing me up and down in my fabulous monkey position.

I jumped and scrambled up into a sitting position before picking up my abandoned book and pretending to read it extremely fast.

I heard him sigh slightly before walking to the desk and giving it to the lady, Tenten doing exactly the same thing.

They walked out again without a word. I stared at the door before Tori's long sigh caught my attention.

"Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" Tori exclaimed, "He does like youuuu!!"

I rolled my eyes and started packing up my pens and pencils. "Come one, let's go."

Tori nodded tiredly and collected her things too and stood up. "Coffee?"

"Nah I'll pass, thanks though."

"Bye then Akari." she smiled and waved, exiting the library.

Hanging my bag on my shoulder, I walked up to the counter and borrowed my book. I was about to leave when the lady walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around and she placed a small notebook, with Neji's name on it, in my hand. "The man before dropped this, give it to him for me?"

I nodded slowly and turned it around to see a small sticky note poking out. Opening the book to that page, it read: Are you smart?


To Be Continued...

This was going to be a one-shot but I decided I will make it a few chapters. 3 or 5, just a quick story.
Hope you liked it :D I don't really write Neji Fanfics. Quite a change.
Oh and I made the cover, do you like it?? :3

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