Chapter Eight

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Cameron's POV:

Driving, driving an more driving is all that I've done. It's been eight months since I've seen the guys and Ashlyn. Ashlyn my sweet sweet Ashlyn. I miss her more than words could ever imagine. I haven't been with any other girl after that night. I felt so guilty for sleeping with that girl. It didn't help me forget, only remember mine and Ashlyn's first time.

"That'll be $5.04" said the cashier. I handed him the money and grabbed my stuff. I walked out to my car and got in. I drove back to my brothers apparent an walked inside. "Hey man." Shane said. "Yo" I said. "It's time." He said. I turned around and looked at him confused. "Time for what?" I asked. "Time to go back to her. This is ridiculous man, I know you miss her and want her so go get her!" He yelled. "You don't understand man, you'll never understand." I sighed sitting beside him on the couch. "Alright then make me understand!" He said.

"JASON LOVED HER FIRST! HE FOUND HER FIRST! " I yelled at him. "SHES NOT HIS PROPERTY! JASON IS PROBABLY ABUSING HER FOR LEAVING HIM FOR YOU SINCE YOUR NOT THERE ANYMORE!" He yelled in my face. I didn't say anything I only stared at him. He's right, she's not his property and I know Jason I know exactly what he does. I walked out of the room an into the guest room. I grabbed all my stuff an stuffed them into my bags. I heard a knock on the door an then Shane walked in. "You leavin?" He whispered. "Yeah, you're right she's not his property. I need Ashlyn back I want her back." I said. I finished packing an grabbed my keys. I walked to the door set my stuff down an gave my brother a hug. "Thanks man, for everything you've done for me. I couldn't have asked for a better brother." I said sincerely. "That's what brothers are for. Now quit being a pussy an go get your girl." I laughed an grabbed my stuff. I waved one last time before walking out the door and to my car.

I threw my stuff in the backseat started the car and sped off. "I'm coming home baby."

Ashlyn's POV:

I woke up in the same dark an cold room. I couldn't see anything for the blindfold, my hands were chained at the top of the bed, and my feet were chained to the end of the bed. I could feel the bruises on my face, arms, and legs. I disobeyed jason again. Ever since cameron left things changed an not for the better. There are rules and if I disobey these rules their are consequences.


1. Don't talk back

2. Stay out of the office

3. Don't touch the guys

4. Make breakfast, lunch, dinner

5. Clean the house everyday

6. Don't have an attitude

7. Don't lie

8. Don't run away

9. Stay out of the way

10. Don't think/speak about cameron

The rules were crazy and stupid. Jason changed into the person he said he would never be again.

Jason caught me apparently thinking about cameron. But I wasn't thinking about him. I was thinking of a way to escape. I want out of this hell hole. I have no clue what happened to the sweet Jason I once knew but he's gone now.

"Wake the fuck up." I heard him say. "I already am awake." I whispered to myself. I felt his hand come across my face. I could feel the sting for what felt like minutes but was really seconds. "What did I tell you about talking back!" He yelled. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said as I felt tears stream down my face. I could hear him dig through his pocket trying to find the key to unlock me. He unlocked my feet an then my hands. Once I was unchained I grabbed my wrists an rubbed them. I took off my blind fold to find Jason gone.

He came back in with a change of clothes. "Take a shower an then get dressed we have company." He said throwing the clothes at me.

Who could possibly want to come visit Jason? Whoever they are is delusional. I walked upstairs to my bathroom an jumped in the shower. The hot water felt good on my sore body. I scrubbed myself until I felt Jason's grungy hands off of me. But even after scrubbing for 10 minutes I could still feels his hands all over me. I quickly got out of the shower and put on the clothes after that I put on some makeup an dried my hair real fast.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a water and walked into the living room. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Who's this?" I asked. A bleach blonde barbie bimbo was sitting in Jason's lap feeling him up. "Ashlyn meet Taylor." Jason said. "Hi." I said. She rolled her eyes at me and started talking to Jason. "Eww who's that nasty slut!" She giggled to Jason. I slammed my water down on the coffee table. This bitch got the nerve. I walked over to her and grabbed her arm dragging her out of his lap. "When someone says something to you do the mother fucking respectful thing an speak back bitch! An who the hell are you calling a slut! I can smell your stank ass pussy a mile away." I yelled in her face. "Jason!" She yelled angrily.

I rolled my eyes and let go of her. I was about to walk out of the living room but something outside caught my eye. I walked over to the door an looked out the window. "Don't even think about it." Jason said. I ignored him an kept looking. A car pulled into the driveway. I didn't recognize the car but I recognized the driver.


I pulled open the front door and ran outside. "Ashlyn!" I heard jason yell. "Cameron!" I yelled tears were streaming down my face. "Baby girl!" He said. I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. "Your back. You came back." I whispered. "Of course I came back. I couldn't ever leave you." He whispered. "Cameron get me out of here. Right now get back in the car please we have to go now!" I said getting down an running to the other side. "Why what's going on?" He asked worriedly. "Please cameron we have to go. Ask questions later." He got into the drivers side and started the car. "Hurry Cam we have to go!" I said. He backed out of the driveway an sped down the road.

"What's going on?" He asked. "The real Jason's back." I whispered.


So guys I'm so sorry it's been forever since I've updated!

Between school, my falling apart family, and my psycho boyfriend. Things have been craaaaaazzzzyyyyy!


Please read my Niall Horan Fanfic 'You & I'




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Thanks loves!

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