r e q u e s t s [closed]

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Welcome to SONDER!
Here, you all are my muses, and I am now your slave :")
Go ahead and give me your craziest shots and I'll do my best.

Beware of spoilers!!!

1) scene rewrites
- ex.
√ Dazai and Odasaku's last conversation
√ Chuuya jumping off the aircraft (Dead Apple)
√ Tachihara's betrayal
√ Also, any of the CDs! (I'd die if I write them full length, so please specify a scene huehue)

2) pairings (can be rare, platonic... or  l e g i t)
- ex.
√ Soukoku/ Shin Soukoku
√ Ranpo + Yosano (gois I've yet to see this :3)
√ Akutagawa + Higuchi
√ Mark Twain + John Steinbeck
√ Atsushi + Tea on rice (700 words. Dare me and I'll do it XD)

3) "what if"s
- ex.
√ What if Chuuya defects from the port mafia instead of Dazai?
√ What if Fyodor's plan ran smoothly and left all ability users in Yokohama giftless? (Dead Apple)
√ What if Atsushi's orphanage headmaster didn't die?

6) AUs
- ex.
√ Soulmate (please specify what kind)
√ coffee/ flower shop
√ college/ highschool
√ etc.

5) random / other
- ex.
√ Port mafia stuck in traffic
√ Elise and Q pranking Mori
√ ADA looking through Kunikida's desk when he's not around
√ Fitzgerald window shopping (quite possibly bumping into Chuuya hat shopping? XD)
√Koyou babysitting Soukoku
√Thoughts that run through Naomi's head 24/7

√ The night that Dazai planted a bomb under Chuuya's car

1) *inhale* Lemons and all things unholy. I'm sorry if I have failed you!

1) My updates might be slow going, because I'll only be writing leisurely. I wanna work on my other books too! (Also, tenth grade in my new school is going to be intense. I hope you will have patience on my poor heart <3 )

2) If I miss any requests, I'm terribly sorry! I might have fuel to write out some prompts over others... My mood is evil and picky.

3) Lastly, I would appreciate it if the requests are detailed :) Adding the following will help me tremendously, because I write impossibly slow:
- plot/ even dialogue details
- Angst? Fluff?
- kind of AU
- pairing, or nah?
- Is it in someone's point of view?
- other descriptions that might help paint a picture :333

That's about it!

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