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Hi! Yup! Marco x Jean fanfic here! Now enjoy!


It's been 203 years since humanity lost hope on fantasies. Reality has overcome dreams and hopes for everyone except for one little being named Jean Kirstein, a little boy living in the Below Lands (worst name I've ever thought of 😆).

"Kirstein! Get back here!"

The fruitstand man shouted after the mischievous boy running away with a bag of apples.

" Never, loser! See ya later or never!"

Jean hurriedly ran, turning many turns until the man was lost from sight. Jean soon walked casually to his home holding the few apple he had.


Marco slid out of his bed after a long night of restful sleeping. His maid, Elizabeth, greeted him," Good morning, Sir. Would you like a bath?"

Marco nodded," I would love a bath, Eliz."

She slightly bowed then went to the bathroom to start the warm water. Marco stretched, and walked to his closet for a fresh pair of clothes. He started to walk into the bathroom.

Elizabeth bowed once more and exited the bathing room to prepare breakfast that will be served once the whole family awakens.

Marco slowly washed himself, thinking of many things that can happen today with his friends, Conner, Sasha, and some other kids. He finished up then quickly sped walk to the dining room after putting on his fresh pair of clothing, checking himself twice in the mirror for any wrinkles.

Marco lives in the up-most fortunately place for anyone. He was one of the nobles of Daylight Land, and for addition, he was the son of one of the most wealthiest and powerful father.

Soon, he arrived in the room, and entering. At the moment, he saw his older brother, Nathin, and father. Marco sighed mumbling," No mother in sight..." His brother purposely coughed to tell Marco to sit down, and so he did.


Jean entered his small house that wasn't even his in the beginning. It was just an abandon house like any other. He walked into a small room with a haystack in the corner. Jean roughly sat in the hay, sticking his hand into the haystack to get out a picture he made. It was his only friend, a horse named Drake. Having a paper friend must sound stupid, but who could blame him? He's a brat that steals and has about no one around him that's his age, except a little mischievous kid named Eren, a girl who was too attached to her own brother, Mikasa, and Armin, a smartie.

Jean slipped into a light sleep that lasted for only 10 minutes because of a sound that was not to ordinary in his daily life. It was the sound of the front door opening. Jean knew something was wrong. He didn't get many visitors, well not even one; excluding Eren jumping in from the window with Mikasa and Armin. He quickly jumped up forgetting his only friend, and running to the nearest window to jump out. Of course he got an apple with him for his hungry stomach, however, before he could escape, a large hand pulled him back. Then Jean blacked out.


"Marco, how are your studies?"

Marco looked up at his father after a bit of his bread," It's doing fine."

"What about you, Nathin?"


Marco noticed that his father was trying to make a conversation, so he ignored it. If anything, getting out of a conversation his dad was going to start is Better than ending. Marco hurriedly finished breakfast, and ran outside saying his farewells.

He wasn't late for school at all, but staying in the dinner table with his father was more than enough. Marco didn't hate him, it's because his conversations always turn to a bad one.

Marco arrived at the noble school where he found Sasha and Connie chatting. He ran up to them, and before he could talk, a disturbing announcement was heard," Hello, children of the nobles! There will be a slave auction this afternoon in their carrier on the out skirts of our campus. Anyone who has their ID and permission slip signed by your parents can enter! I will send the slip to all of you right now. Students who don't have permission nor ID must have the status to enter. The status must be at least 200 carns.

Carns (care-ens) are the amount of power they have. The average as a noble is 100 and above. Over 300 can be used to own anything they want. As long as it's not other in their level of power or higher. To show how much carns they have, the person must have an ID; either school ID or license. Kids under 9 do not get any power.

"Whoa! Marco! Don't you have over 200 carns! Lucky!!!" Connie exclaimed. Marco slightly laughed at the mentioning.

Connie and Sasha began to take out their communicator to call their dad for permission. After a short while, they got the signature they needed.

Sasha shouted," Alright! Let's see what they have in there! Let's go Connie!" Connie followed suit next to Sasha with Marco tailing behind them. He didn't need the permission since he has a high status.

The guard at the entrance looked down at Connie, Sasha, and Marco. The two showed the man their ID and the permission slip their dad signed on the communicator. Marco just got out his student ID. The man nodded, opening the door to the inside.

Sasha and Conne ran inside while Marco cautiously entered. He didn't trust nor liked anything from the Below Lands. He mostly despised it, but he still acts polite whenever confronted with anyone there.

Once they reached the door, Connie pulled it open. The three looked in awe at the cages with people from the Below Lands. They looked filthy with clothes ripped, hair messed up, and wounds everywhere.

There was a man who looked like one of the nobles, but fat with a deviously happy look in his face. He had what every common circus travelers where (although he's not in a circus); a top hat, a curly mustache, a suit with a under shirt that has sleeves with stripes, and to top it off, black shoes that shine brightly. Marco looked at his appearance strangely while the other two laughed their heads off, trying to stay quiet.

The man was talking to the others already sitting down in their seats with signs near them, ready to start. Marco, Connie, and Sasha sat down in the second row to the front. Once they sat down, the auction started with a woman in a cage appearing.


😀 I am just so devious! 😅 Hahaha. I really thought of some weird ideas! Idea from a Fanfiction story I read! It's called Enhanced by Supportingcharacters! 😊 I hope you'll read my next chapter! I'm really excited to write the next one! I'm thrilled to write these kind of stories! I believe this will be my second best! 😄 After my Shizaya one! May reach to 30 chapters! I don't know!

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