"The...the reason I reacted like that...he was guy I found when I was 8, a year after Acnologia left. I found a village and managed to steal to eat. Roman was in a guild, it wasn't very popular but jobs would come in and I could get some money. I told him that my father was Acnologia...around the time I was 10 and in S class. That's why I was so powerful compared to him. He lashed out and every day I would go to the guild and he'd beat me...but he was family and I couldn't hurt him back. I was weak." She sobbed. I placed my head against hers and smiled, tears in my eyes.

"I know exactly how that feels..."

C'mon Luce!
Lisanna come on this job with us!
Lisanna join the team
Look at the weakling
Fire dragon roar!
Ice Make: Lance!
Take-Over: Cat
Requip! Heaven's wheel armour! Dance my blades!

Tears flew through my eyes. And we cried together.

"I won't ever do that to you."
"I won't ever do that to you." We both said at the same time and then giggled and wiped our tears.

"Hey! Let's do it! Tonight!" Shadow whispered excitedly, I nodded grinning back. We waited until Twilight went to sleep and ran over to the temple. I walked over to a wall with stars and constellations. Shadow went to the one with angels and demons. At the end of both walls there was an incantation, in the middle, a warning

Whomever performs this spell must be willing to give their lives for one another. To have the will to protect and love your other soul. If one you shall die, though, there is a chance to survive if mated with a dragon, the other shall too.

I looked at Shadow and nodded. I was willing to protect her. At all costs!

Protection and Love
May our souls enter-twine
May our souls ever last in harmony
The death of one
Shall turn to two
Never will I live without you.

As we chanted I gasped as I felt a connection I've never felt before. I get everything, her emotions her presence. My sister.

"It worked..." I gasped, we squealed and hugged each other as Loke, Aquarius and Virgo popped out. This wasn't unusual to me.

"You dimwit if you weren't ready that could've killed you!" Aquarius snapped.

"Hey! We're fine aren't we. I've got it under control." I grinned, she tsked at me.

"I'm happy you found her at least." Aquarius softened. I smiled and nodded.

"Thank Aquarius."

"Princess! I'm so happy for you and Shadow. This is exactly what you needed." Loke grinned.

"To be honest Loke, you're right. Knowing there is someone that went through what I did. Knowing how it felt, other than you guys was...liberating. I want to protect her so it won't happen again." I vowed.

"Same with me!" Shadow chirped in.

"Princess!" Virgo called, I looked over to her, "while I'm happy you found your sister, I would like to remind you it is our scheduled punishment day." Virgo grinned, her usual dull eyes, sparkled.

Oh my god.

Shadow burst out laughing, Aquarius face palmed and Loke chuckled. I sighed.

"Can I call you later Virgo?"

"Of course Princess! I will appear by midnight if you don't call upon me." She chirped in as she poofed off back to the Celestial world. Loke and Aquarius bid us goodbye and left as well.


I groaned as I woke up my head in Rogues lap. I blushed, still not understanding why he was so important to me. A sharp pain ran through my head.

"Ow my head." I groaned as I sat up. I looked around and saw we were still at the Nikora's. "How long was I out?" I asked.

"About 3 hours. Loke went to tell the King but he came back and said just to let you rest." Shadow explained. I jumped over to her and hugged her crying.

"Shadow, I'm so sorry! I forgot you! I'm such a bad sister!" I cried.

"You...you remember me?" She asked, I sobbed and nodded as she hugged me tightly, tears spilling out her eyes.

Rogue walked off very silently muttering something about finding Loke. Shadow looked at him sadly.

"Shadow...what is Rogue to me?" I asked. "No ones told me yet.

"I don't think bows a good time sis. We've got guests. Rogue will have an entire day with you alone now you remember me. He is also very special to you, Lu. Let him in." I looked at her and nodded. Shadow always knew what was best for me...but what is Rogue to me exactly?

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