Olivia let large frown cover her face. She had totally almost forgotten how extremely mean Rafael was to her during his visit.

"He was going to take my case."


"And then he changed his mind."

"Huh?!" Amarachi yelled again "Why?"

"I guess the champagne papi of our continent doesn't believe there's a chance that I'm innocent or that I can win this." Olivia scoffed. She really didn't want to relive everything that had just happened but if there was anyone she would rather talk about it with, it was the lady sitting a few inches beside her. "He thinks I'm a murderer and I don't deserve my freedom, according to him."

"He said that?"

Amarachi was having a hard time believing all that.

"In the flesh."
Olivia took a deep breath as she managed to raise her elbows to the table and balance them on it so well so they could support her tired head while she turned to Amarachi. She wanted to have a better look at her. She forced a smile on her pale face, pretending to be okay with all of it.

"I can't believe he'd say something like that to you." What was left of the smile on Amarachi's face faded right after. "I always thought he was this really cool guy that was always at the side of justice. I mean, in the kind of country we live in where the law is as good as trash and power and connections rule even the government, it's lawyers like him that always give we the masses hope. He has helped a lot of people gain their freedom in the past, people with cases similar and even worse than yours but this-" she paused for a second "This is just surprising to me. I never saw it coming. He should have at least given you the benefit of doubt."

Olivia chuckled faintly

"Don't worry about it," she sat straight "Maybe it's for the best. We could never have been able to afford him anyway."

Amarachi exhaled. She was so disappointed, really disappointed.

The door opened quickly.

"You won't have to."

They heard a voice say from right in front of it and only then did they bother to turn and see who it was.

"Fortunately for you, someone really wants you out of here and I can't say no to him. Plus I feel extra generous today. We can discuss what you owe me later."

Amarachi's jaw dropped in surprise and Olivia's was getting there just as Rafael stood right there, staring at them both for the first four seconds. Giving them a chance to take a good long look right before he walked towards the table. He looked exactly like he did earlier, this time, less angrier, and it made Olivia wonder if he ever left.

Their eyes stayed glued to him even as he slowly pushed his jacket back so he could take a sit at the chair across them

"I-I-it's -" Amarachi pointed at him, her eyes wide open just like her mouth. It was easy for a fly to penetrate without stress. Rafael slowly turned to her. He raised a brow. He had no idea why she was like that but that was his effect on a lot of people.

"I-I don't understand."
Rafael slowly turned back to Olivia while he watched her shake her head in confusion.

"What part?"

"What are you-" she paused "I thought you said-"

"I thought you wanted to get out of jail?"

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