Chapter 2 - New Information

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Right after Chip had finished what he had said, I could see Mike and Zoe running down the hallway. Chip and Jawa quickly catch on on what was happening and try to grab both of my arms and run away, sadly, of course they were not able to out run Zoe and Mike. I watch as Zoe tackles Chip to the ground.

"What the heck are you guys doing?!" Zoe says, probably getting madder by the second.

Mike glares at Jawa and Chip, crossing his arms.

"Not cool guys." He adds on to Zoe.

Just as Chip is about to get a blow to the face by Zoe, I frantically stop the fighting. 

"Its okay guys, they just wanted to tell me something!" 

As we walked to Chip's room, I explained to Zoe and Mike about what Chip and Jawa wanted to show me. With only a few minutes passing, we finally arrived to Chip's room. Chip unlocked the door. Being honest, I can't say Chip's room is the cleanest. His bed sheets were all messed up while many of his clothes piled on top of each other. Even though his room was messy, you could tell he was working on something. Lots of papers were scattered around the room that looked like they all had lots of information on them. Jawa showed us to where the computer was in the room.

"There's some other evil organization that Jawa and me think is dangerous." Chips says while taking a seat in front of the computer. 

He clicks into some files on his computer.

"The name of the organization is FLAME." Chip's says.

I could see Zoe shaking her head, slightly unimpressed. 

"How do you know about this organization and how do you know their after Ben?" She says, pointing to me.

I didn't really get that either, the only evil organization I really intervened with was SPYDER. Chip thinks about that for a second, then replies to Zoe.

"On one of our missions, Jawa found some kinds of note that said FLAME with some link and code." Chip starts off.

We all stare at Jawa, waiting for him to talk.

"I showed the code to Chip and we both decided to take a look into it. When we put the code into the link and looked into some files, we found some file named as Ben's name."

I look at Chip's computer screen where he showed us the file with my name.

"Sill, how do you know their after me? Why don't you just go into the file with my name and read what they wrote?" I point out. 

Zoe and Mike both look a Chip, waiting for the answer.

"There is some kind of protection code to get into the file, I've been trying to hack into it but it hasn't been working out." Chip admitted.

I look at him again, confused.

"Couldn't you just ask your brother, Hank, for help?" I ask.

Chip's face turns bright red.

"There is no way I'm asking him how to do anything!"

Zoe stands up and shoves Chip off the seat, she immediately starts hacking into the file.  

"Well, you could have just asked me for help." Zoe growls, showing annoyance of not knowing about all of this information.

Chip falls onto the ground next to Jawa. Mike turns back, facing me.

"Ben, do you have any ideas of what this organization wants to do?"

I think about think about this for a second, then shake my head.

"No, not really." I say, turning my head to watch Zoe hack into the files.

I could easily tell she was almost done with her job, a loading image had already appeared on the screen of the computer. After a few minutes of waiting, Zoe faces back towards us, her expression very serious. 

"Okay you guys, you ready to see whats in the file?" 

But before she can go into the file, I hear the door click open, creaking. We all turn our heads immediately. Chip's eyes  fill with panic.

"I thought I locked th-" 

Chip instantly shuts his mouth. Right in front of the open door standing there, was Erica Hale.

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