Back off, Bitch.

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- Clementine's POV -

I opened my bag and pulled out my hoodie. Brody looked at me confused, "It's like 60 disagrees, it's not that cold. I don't think you need to wear a hoodie and sweater..." I rolled my puffy eyes and went into a stall. I took off my sweater and replaced it with my hoodie. 

I always bring a hoodie or back up clothes, just in case something happens. You never know. My backpack is pretty big so, there is a lot of stuff in their no one knows. (O_O) I came out of my stall and glanced at Brody. She softly smiled at me then she smiled disappeared quickly. I pulled my hoodie over my head trying my best to cover my puffy, swollen eyes. "Thanks for the company, Brody" I mumbled and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked down that hallways, head low, looking down at the ground, with the hoodie covering almost my whole face. I walked faster, knowing I'm late for Mr. Larry's class. Knowing my luck, yep, of course, Louis is in that class... Lucky for me, Lee moved my 2nd period to my 3rd period somehow?


I bit my lip looking at the door, I finally got the courage to open the door and everyone's attention quickly shot at me. I looked at Mr. Larry's angry face, then I quickly glanced at Louis who was staring. I looked down quickly avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Mr. Larry yelled. I just slowly nodded and mumbled, "sorry sir." I walked over to my seat, Mr. Larry had a shocked face. It looked as if he had pity for me, I usually talk back but... I'm not in the mood. 

My eyes turn to the side and glances at Louis. He was staring at me with a frown. I quickly turned away until someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see Louis. "Are you okay?" he asked, I simply nodded and faced the ground to avoid making eye contact. But, I guess it was too late because he noticed my tear stained cheeks. "W-were you crying?" he asked me.

His face turned from a small frown to mad and worried frown. "N-no" I simply replied. He grabbed my hand, I was shocked for a couple of seconds. I thought about Sophie and pulled my hand away.  He frowned and turned back to the teacher.

I felt so bad, I just wanted to kiss him on the cheek. He's so cute, Wait... I like him, thats why he's so special to me, thats why I don't like seeing him upset, thats why I don't like seeing with someone else, thats why I'm so sad thats he's with someone else... 

I felt another tap from behind me, I turned around to Minerva. "We need to talk, after class. ASAP." I frowned and nodded, then paid attention to Mr. Larry for once. 

-----------------------------------After a while of hell with a racist teacher-------------------------------- 

The bell finally rang in what felt like forever. I grabbed myself and as I was about to walk out the classroom, I was turned around by someone... And there I was, facing face to face with Louis. He rubbed my arms, I guess to try to comfort me. "Clementine, what's wrong?" I shook my head and a tear came out. "I don't know, why don't you ask your girlfriend Sophie?" I slightly yelled at him. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked. I shook my head, "Unfucking believable." I mumbled. I basically ran away with him following behind.

I ran and ran until I lost him, I ended up being outside. I had my head down looking at the ground walking, not sure where I was going. Then I bumped into someone. I fell to the ground, "shit sorry." I mumbled. I got up and brushed the dirt off my pants. I looked up to see... 

"Hi, Clementine!" I growled. "Hi, Sophie..." she made a death stare. (The fuck I do to earn that stare?" "Uh, you got a problem?" I asked her. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and I guess she noticed. "Uh yeah, slut.' she replied. (THE FUCK?) "Excuse you?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows my hands on my hip, I was this close -  - to swinging again her crusty jawline. 

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