On Set

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Reader x cast of Supernatural

Summary: the reader is a guest star on season 12 of Supernatural and is going to meet J2 and experience what it's like to be on the set of Supernatural


You couldn't believe it. You were actually guest starring on an episode of Supernatural, your favorite TV show. You hadn't done much acting but a buttload of money to your agent later and you had booked the job of a lifetime. Grant it, it was only one episode and your character was dying at the end of it, but hey, it was the chance of a lifetime. You were playing a young teenager who was friends with this week's victim, but you have the knowledge of the supernatural since your dad was a hunter before he died. You attempt to help the boys get revenge on the werewolf that killed your friend which ends up turning you. The boys have to end up sending you straight to purgatory as heart-wrenching as that sounds. But hey, you were meeting Jared and Jensen today. You idolized them, but you had to be professional about it. Lots of classic Supernatural characters are brought back if the audience likes them. So you had to give a 10/10 performance.

You arrived on set with a thermos of hot tea in your left hand and your script in your right hand.

"Hey!" you heard someone call before spinning around to see a PA. "You're Y/N right?"

"Yep." you said. "that's me"

"Did you get your call sheet?" they asked annoyed.

You fumbled around with your papers "yeah I-"

"Then you should know that you were supposed to be in makeup 2 minutes ago." the annoyed PA said grabbing you by the arm and escorting you to the hair and makeup trailer.

"Sorry, yeah I was just looking for it." you said honestly.

"It's 6 and we begin shooting at 7. Can't afford to miss a beat."

"You're right. Sorry, it won't happen again."

As you reached the hair and makeup trailer you saw a very tall man with long hair getting out. You were stunned for a minute and the PA still had your arm. You managed to get out a "hi" followed by Jared giving you a short wave before hurrying off to set.

The PA let you go in and still stunned, you found yourself in an almost empty trailer. If only you had been there two minutes earlier.

"Y/N right?" said the hairdresser.

You nodded and the hairdresser motioned for you to take a seat in the chair as she started to comb and play with your hair. Fun music was playing and you figured now was your chance to look more closely at your call sheet. After hair and makeup, you were to go get into costume and report to stage 5. There you were filming the scene where the boys questioned you in the bunker. In the script, they had taken you there to be safe after a close encounter with the werewolf in a previous scene. That was scheduled to take up the first hour or so of the day and then Jared and Jensen had some scenes to shoot in there. Then you were to have lunch before going on location for a few werewolf fights, a ride in Baby, and a small scene at the scene of the crime. You obviously wouldn't be getting much more than the ride in Baby done, however. You were getting your fill out of being cast in Supernatural. All you could think about was meeting Jared, Jensen, and Misha.

Before you knew it, your hair was in two braids and you were switching sides of the trailer to get a scratch put on your neck.

"So are you excited?" the makeup artist asked joyfully.

"Yes but also very nervous." you giggled nervously.

"Don't worry." she said. "I'm going to make you look good and that equals confidence!"

On Set (Supernatural imagine series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon