Lily's mistakes. (chapter 11)

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(please listen to the song while reading this chapter)

Lily Potter sat in the old nursery at Potter Manor. She felt empty, her child was dead. The one that would save the wizarding world was dead.
Dumbledore was livid. Voldemort was rising again, but now he had no weapon!
Just then an idea struck him. What if he got himself a new chosen one? It was perfect!
The old wrinkly man called a certain Ravenclaw to his office.
"you called for me sir?" Cho Chang asked as she walked into the headmaster's office
"Ms.Chang seat down, please." The man motioned towards the chair on the other side of his desk.
"as you know ms. Chang Jacob Potter just died." Dumbledore looked at the 7th year girl with sad eyes, he did not like Jacob but he was a hell of a lot better than that Hadrian Malfoy. But he had plans for the youngest Malfoy.
Cho nodded sadly, she had a crush on the dead boy-who-lived.
"there was a prophecy made between Jacob and Voldemort." Cho flinched at the name of the dark lord.
"Well, the prophecy also said that if Jacob should fail at killing Voldemort than a Ravenclaw girl would take his place." Dumbledore handed the girl a price of paper with the fake prophecy on it.

If the chosen one should fail to kill the darkest of the dark.

A Ravenclaw smarter than the rest shall take his place.

Born in the perfect harmony of September and August.

She shall defeat anyone that defies!

Cho stared at the paper in amazement then smirked, she always knew that she was better!
Chi strode out of the crazy man's office.

James Potter was fuming. His son, his only heir was dead!
He walked past the old nursery, ignoring his sobbing wife which was not holding a picture of Jacob, but of Harry. Her son Harry.
Just then it struck the red head-head.  She was the bad guy.
She got up and used the floo to Malfoy Manor as James fumed in his office.
Lily fell to the ground at Lucius Malfoy's feet. "Mrs. Potter, what are you doing in my Manor?" The blonde man demanded as he swiftly closed the door to the dining room. The dark lord, the inner circle, and his family were in there for a meeting.

"Let me see Hadrian, please." The lady shakily looked up at the expressionless man.
He silently helped her up and called Hadrian.
"Mrs. Potter." Hadrian greeted the red-eyed lady with ease.
"I'll let you all talk alone." Lucius excused himself and went back into the dining room.
"It's soon to be Ms. Evans." Lily replied while looking at her former son.
This surprised Hadrian, she was divorcing James?
"I have learned so much these 5 days." The lady wiped her eyes.
"Oh really is it that you can't live without your perfect son?" Hadrian sarcastically answered her silence.
"there are moments when the words don't reach." Lily gazed at Hadrian with sad green eyes.
"Please, Hadrian give me a second chance, please." Lily begged Hadrian with new tears running down her cheeks.
"I know that I messed up! I-I can't get over what Potter did to you-" Hadrian raised a hand to stop her chattering.
Instead of answering her he got up and hugged the redhead.


Lily did the unimaginable.

                                                        To Be Continued

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

Word Count: 580

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