Chapter Fifty Six

Start from the beginning


I asked Luka, holding up his Cowboy Boots as I walked back into the lounge room.
The Toddler exclaimed, abandoning the Toy's he was showing to Hazel, Lily, Amara and Bindi.
I sank down onto my knees as my eldest Son ran towards me.
Thankfully Noah was finished getting Knox organised and was dressing Tatum while Mum and Aunty Bridey got Brodie and Dale changed for me.
"Sit down."
I urged Luka.
Grinning, his cheeky smile practically an exact replica of his Daddy's, my Toddler stopped maybe two feet in front of me and plopped down onto his nappy clad derrière.
"Socks on first."
I informed Luka, brandishing the white socks with the royal blue stripes.
He copied, grinning.
"Left foot."
I told him, gently grabbing his left ankle to lift up his left leg.
"Lef oot!"
Luka declared.
I slipped the sock onto his foot, then grabbed his left boot to pop that on too.
He exclaimed, his blue eyes sparkling.
"That's right."
I agreed, giving the heel of the shoe a gentle tap to make sure it was on his foot properly.
"Now the right one."
I stated, setting his left foot down, then grabbing his right ankle.
"Rye one!"
Luka copied.
While I loved hearing my Baby Boy try out new words, it was a pretty obvious warning to watch what I said when his ear's were around.
He was already in the habit of parroting a 'fuck' or 'shit' when he heard Blayze, Codie or Heath let the words slip.
I set his now boot clad right foot back onto the floor and offered my little Darling a big smile.
"All done!"
I told him.
"All done!"
Grinning, he twisted around, planted his hands onto the lounge room rug, stuck his nappy and jeans clad butt into the air, then was suddenly on his feet.
"Sun cream time!"
Mum called, holding a pump container of SPF 50 over her head.
Hazel and Amara hopped off the armchair they were sharing and hurried over to where Mum was standing near the dining table.
"Not us, right?"
Izac asked hopefully.
Mum ordered.
"But it's practically Winter!"
Jace whined.
"You shut up and put your sun cream on, or there'll be no X-Box after Dinner!"
Mum snapped, her green eyes flashing.
"I already talked with Codie and he said if I say so that you can use it."
My Brother's, Boy Cousin's, Lily and Bindi hurried to crowd Mum to get their serving of Sun Cream.
Luka ran after the rest of the Kid's, keen to join in.


"You did what?!"
Lukas shouted, his green eyes wide.
"He's gonna ride a Bull again!"
Codie stated, clapping me on the back.
Part of me wasn't sure that it was a brilliant idea.
I'd never ridden a Bull with anything more than a swig or two of Bourbon in my system.
I was currently way past that.
But that 'part' was sliding further and further to the back of my mind.
Lukas shouted, his glare igniting.
"She'll be sweet!"
I told him, holding my hands up, palms forward.
Keegan practically bounced, rubbing his hands together like he was getting excited.
Lukas shook his head.
"I can't let this happen! I'm taking your name off that list!"
"He'll be sweet! He's done it more than enough times!"
Codie insisted.
Lukas barked, storming forwards.
I held my hands out, ready to stop him.
He didn't slam into me, swinging fists though.
"You cannot seriously think this is a good idea!"
Lukas growled, pointing a finger at his own head.
I blinked.
He was apparently trying to get some thought through to me.
"Are you even alert enough to do this?"
Lukas asked, his voice low.
I grinned and clapped him on the shoulder.
"Yeah man! I'm good!"
Lukas shook his head.
"Blayze I really can't let ya do this."
I shrugged.
"It's my Buck's Show ain't it?"
"And if you get on a Bull and don't have your wits about ya then you'll end up a Vegetable or dead!"
Lukas snapped.
"Nah man."
I shook my head.
"I'll be fine."
"You know Bailey will absolutely kill you."
I grinned.
"She'll be sweet!"
Lukas' expression was suddenly lethal and I quickly ducked.
But my shift in weight meant that my legs turned into noodles and I found myself flat on my arse on the dirt floor.
Lukas stood over me, leaned down and grabbed onto the front of my jumper.
It shouldn't of surprised me that he was still able to drag me up off the floor.
He'd done it to me enough times in my first couple of years here, but it had been a long time since he'd had to.
I'd kind of thought I'd be a bit big for it by now.
My head spun when I was vertical again.
Lukas shoved me back a step and I stumbled for three steps.
We all turned around to find two uniformed Officer's walking towards us.
Well shit.
"What the hell's goin' on?"
The younger of the two Cop's asked, frowning.
"Lukas Harley And Blayze Riley..."
The older Officer drawled, his expression completely unamused.
"Sergeant Perkins!"
I saluted him.
Lukas grumbled.
"Why's it not a surprise that you two are here throwin' your weight around?"
Sergeant Perkins asked, looking between me and Lukas.
"I'm not ridin'."
I denied, holding up my hands.
"We're both retired."
"It's his Buck's Day."
Lukas explained, jerking a thumb in my direction.
Why did I suddenly feel twelve feet tall?
Sergeant Perkins' blue eyes widened.
"Who the heck agreed to Marry You?!"
"Oi! He's a good bloke!"
Keegan defended me, slinging an arm around my shoulders.
"Only the best Girl in this entire fucking world!"
I told the Officer who'd used to love trying to catch me and Lukas doing everything and anything when we used to be in Fletcher Creek.
Sergeant Perkins shook his head.
Suddenly the radio he had strung over his shoulder came to life, a voice saying something about a brawl.
The Sergeant grabbed the radio and turned his head to speak into it.
"On our way."
He answered.
"Behave yourselves!"
He warned Lukas and I, before he turned on his heel and stormed away, the Constable following after Him.
"I'm scratchin' your name!"
Lukas growled, turning around to glare at me.
I saluted him.
"Yes Dad!"

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