Chapter II

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"Our past have made us what we are today." ~Anonymous
Aina and I stepped into a new world. It appeared to be some town square of some sort, with limestone and marble buildings and columns surrounding us. Aina and I looked around in confusion. Somehow, this new world carried a sense of nostalgia inside me.

As Aina and I looked around, I heard a voice call for me. "Sakura!"

I turned around to see Hercules brushing his hands as he approached us. "Thought I recognized you, but who's the woman next to you?" He asked.

Aina gave Hercules a curt nod, "My name is Aina Mirai. Are you a friend of Sakura? What's your name?"

"I sure am!" Hercules grinned. "Name's Hercules, but friends call me Herc."

"I see..." Aina nodded.

"Hercules, where are we?" I asked him.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Herclues realized. "You've never been outside of the coliseum! This is Thebes! Or, at least what remains of it..."

Suddenly, distant screaming was heard. Hercules, Aina and I stared at each other in confusion. We began to look around in order to find the source of the screaming and to see if they need our help. I looked up to the sky and at that moment a literal flying body came at me and struck me in the stomach. My body flew as I tumbled on the concrete ground, taking the flying body with me. "SAKURA!" Aina screamed.

Finally, I stopped moving and I groaned, untangling our limbs as I sat up,  trying to figure out why came flying at me. Once I saw the porcupine-like brown hair, I recognized who it was. "Sora?!" I cried.

"Oh...hey Saki," he sat up and grinned awkwardly at me, rubbing the back of his head.

"Why did you come flying at me out of no where?" I raised a brow at him.

"It's kind of a long story," Sora chuckled as he looked to the side to where Goofy was. "I guess this counts."

"Yup," Goofy nodded as Hercules held him over his shoulder.

"Get me down!" A shrill voice shrieked.

Looking up, we spotted Donald dangling from above, the back of his outfit caught onto the giant, golden lion statue's tooth. "Just a second!" Hercules called as he set Goofy back on the ground, jumped upwards and scooped Donald into his arms before coming back down and placing Donald onto the ground with the rest of us. "You guys are all here! Sora! Donald! Goofy! Sakura and her new friend she brought in! You literally dropped in. Gotta say, I'm impressed."

"Thanks," Donald said.

"Like the catch," Goofy grinned.

"Thanks Saki for catching my fall!" Sora yelled.

"No problem," I giggled. "Glad to see you all are still the same."

Sora tipped his head to the side. "Saki, you got a new friend?" He asked.

"Oh!" I said as I turned to the side and gestured to Aina. "Sora, Donald, Goofy, this is Aina Mirai."

"Hello," Aina respectfully bowed towards my friends.

"Heya!" Sora gave her a friendly wave before staring at her for a bit longer. "You look familiar. Have we met before?"

"Perhaps," Aina replied. "I do have a shop in Hollow Bastion."

Sora gave her a stare for a moment longer before turning back to Hercules. "What's going on?" He asked.

Hercules face dropped and we all looked around. I realized that the city was on fire and many of the buildings were destroyed. "Take a guess," Hercules sighed. "Starts with an H."

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