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Chapter - Seventeen - He Appears Again

Bethany's POV...

All through all the tests and check-ups, I was immobile, I couldn't move and I absolutely hated it. I hated the hopelessness I felt when I tried to fight my heavy limbs or to tell the doctors that I was perfectly fine and Jack was simply overreacting, but couldn't.

I hated the feeling and hated how my body kept betraying me and refusing to move, the only sounds that managed to escape my lips were moans and groans of protest which sounded more like I was pained instead of like I was trying to tell them something.

My eyes were hazy and it was hard to stay conscious for over a few minutes.

Damned Jack and his over knowledge of a werewolf's body.

After a few hours, which to be honest felt more like a few years than hours, I finally find my energy back and look around me as I feel my body strengthening and taking control over my limbs once again, I was in a white hospital room on a surprisingly comfy bed. The walls and floor were pure white, giving the room a kind of suffocating feeling.

Jack was beside me and he was resting his eyes, he looked so peaceful that for a minute, all my anger towards him vanished, it was short-lived though, as it came back full force when the pain returns to my body.

I notice the different machines connected to my body, an IV, a heart machine, and some other thing that I had a hard time recognizing, an oxygen mask was on my face and I shove it off along with all the wires and needles and machines connected to my body.

If you haven't guessed already, I wasn't a very big fan of hospitals. Actually, I despised them.

They brought back horrible memories that were too bad for me to want to relive. I didn't have a panic attack though, which was a very big step for me since I can't seem to stop having them ever since we came to this camp.

An alarm goes off as I remove the final needle stuck to my skin, causing Jack to jump in his seat and look around for a threat, he growls loudly when he notices I was getting up from the bed and rushes to my side.

He forces me back on the bed and holds me down as I fight him, "Bethany! Stop!" He growls loudly and I shove him off me. He growls again in warning but I stand my ground, ignoring the piercing pain going through my body.

If I was anyone else I would have fallen down on my knees from the power behind his growl, but I wasn't, and I was more than happy with that. Instead of taking his warning, I push up and stand in front of him, having to crane my neck and flash him my wolf eyes to make him step away.

"I don't take orders from anyone, and I most certainly won't stand for being carried against my will, Jack." My voice was deathly calm, almost threatening and that was enough to have Jack's eyes widen in shock.

His eyes narrow in anger after a moment of disbelief and he closes the distance between us once more.

"And I don't leave my mate withering in pain without checking out what was wrong with her." His tone wasn't as calm as mine was. His was on the verge of shouting and yet it still didn't faze me.

"I was not withering with pain and was making dinner for us. I. Was. Perfectly. Fine." My eyes narrow and match his expression of anger as I ground out every word through gritted teeth.

This was something that he had no right over. If I wanted to be sent to the hospital or be checked I would have said so. This was my decision and I was never one to make people make decisions for me.

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