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Chapter - Four - The Mate

Years later...

Bethany's POV...

I and Sally were in my room getting ready for school and having the most random conversations, I was in my ensuite while Sally was most probably on her phone behind the door, music blasting from my Bluetooth speaker and filling both rooms with beautiful melodies.

As I was starting to lotion my legs after my shave, 'Crying In The Club' by Camilla Cabello starting playing from my playlist, me and Sally singing along to it almost as soon as we noticed it, we had already planned how we would sing this song if it ever played, since we always fought about who would sing it and so I came up with the idea and Sally had immediately agreed to it.

Now it's our own little secret.

I smile as I sing, my head moving along to the beat widely and laugh as Sally faked a Camilla voice, which was absolutely hilarious to hear.

I finished my hygienic routine by the end of the song and had placed my hair in a towel and another wrapped around my body, the minute I'm out of the door, I notice Sally sprawled on my bed with her head buried in my pillows, I continue to stare, waiting for her to notice that I was there.

"It's rude to fucking stare, Bethany, we've already established that a fucking thousand times," She turns her head with a crooked smile, an eyebrow raised high in the air.

"Oh, don't you mind me, your highness," I bow down at the waist, sending her a smirk as I walked over to her, " Just wondering why you were sniffing my pillows like a creep," I grab a pillow and hit her head with it, completely ruining the intricate design that she had most likely worked on for hours on end this morning.

I hear a squeal as she roughly pushes away the pillow, sending me a glare that would've sent me six feet under the ground, "Do you have any fucking idea how long that took me to perfect??!" She screeches with a burning glare, jumping out of the bed and rushing to my vanity.

"That's exactly why I did it," The smirk that I sported on my face still remained, infuriating Sally even more than she already was, I walk over to the closet rummaging through the million articles of clothes that I had. "You still didn't answer my question by the way!" I call out to her, finding a really nice plain red top that I immediately started to piece together an outfit in my head.

"I wasn't, I had a fucking headache, Beth, ever heard of it?!" She shouts back and I can actually feel her rolling her eyes at me, "Plus, that was not a fucking valid reason to completely ruin my hair, now what the hell am I supposed to do?!" I can feel the frustration leaking out of her in wave after wave, causing me to shake my head at her with a light chuckle.

"Dammit, Bethany! Stop laughing, I'm having a crisis over here!" She can't fool me, she found this just as funny as I did, and it was clear in her voice that she did, it was the tone you use when you're trying to stop yourself from bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

"You're not, Sal, just put your hair into a ponytail and you can wear.. whatever that was tomorrow to school," I tell her, picking out a black leather jacket and some black skinny jeans.

I put on the outfit hastily, looking it over the mirror and wondering what shoes I should pick, converse would make the outfit lose its badass vibe that I wanted to achieve, heeled boots would look like I was trying too hard, I stare at the array of shoes in front of me, my eyes landing on a pair of black flat ankle boots that were sitting in the corner.

"Perfect," I mutter to myself, snatching them and jumping around the room in an attempt to put them on quickly, I was starting to lose time, school will start in 30 minutes and I still haven't even started on my hair and makeup yet and I needed to finish ASAP.

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