//The Morning After//

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Thor had slept by his brother, waking up frequently just to rearrange the blankets and check on him. 

Finally, around 8:00 am, he had passed out. Tony (with Steve's help) had carried Thor to his bed. He went to prepare a quick breakfast before heading down to help set up the lab for Pete. 

"Oh, wait," Tony paused on his way to the labs, "FRIDAY? Please let me know when Loki wakes up." He waited for the AI's response.

"Yes, boss." Tony headed to the labs, satisfied that nothing would change with his guest without his knowledge.

~Time Skip~ 

"Boss?" FRIDAY clipped in. Tony was in his lab, setting things up for Pete, but hearing the AI made his heart skip a beat.

Was Loki awake?

"Peter Parker had arrived, he is waiting upstairs." The AI chimed and Tony felt his heart sink just a little. He didn't want to admit it, but the man was very worried about the god. 

"Right, tell him I'm on my way now." He stood up, making sure the lab was set. Then, making his way upstairs, he prepared a little explanation for Thor and Loki's...situation.

"Pete!" Tony called, seeing the boy already helping himself to a snack. 

"Oh, hey there Mr. Stark!" Peter's face lit up at the very sight of his mentor. 

"How've you been bud?" Tony walked to the boy and rubbed his soft, curly hair. 

"I'm good. How are you?" The boy's smile made Tony feel much less stressed, as it always did. The kid had a really contagious smile, so much so that Tony found himself giving the boy a tired smile despite everything, sitting by his side at the table. 

Apparently, his smile was a little too tired. Peter's brow furrowed.

"Mr. Stark, is something wrong?" Peter asked. 

Tony never had a chance to answer because right then, Thor barged into the room. 

"Tony! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" The man shouted, barely noticing that Peter was there. Tony felt his blood run cold at the worry evident in the god's voice. 

Tony began to speak but Thor cut him off. 

"Please! He's getting worse!" The man pleaded, his eyes tear-filled again. Tony didn't ask any more questions, he just got up, knocking his chair to the ground. 

"Mr. Stark, is someone hurt?!" Peter leaped to his feet, his face scrunched up with worry. 

Tony was already chasing the god to the med-bay, so Peter just hurried behind them, very confused. 

"Thor, what happened?" Tony asked breathlessly, slowing down to open the door and then raced to the god's side.  

He could immediately tell that something was wrong. 

The room was freezing cold. 

"I-I do not know! I came to check on him and he was just, like this!" Thor yelped.

Tony reached his arm out to touch Loki's blue skin, which had darkened a hue, but Thor grabbed his wrist. 

"I would not recommend that. His skin has gotten much colder, if you touched him without gloves, I fear your hand might get a little hurt." He spoke calmly, but his eyes were fixated on Loki, he looked very worried. 

Peter rushed into the room behind them, breath catching at the cold. 

"J-jeez Mr. Stark, w-why did you t-turn the air up so high?" The teen asked, shivering, coming to stand just slightly behind Tony. 

His gaze landed on the unconscious god and his eyes widened. 

"Whoa, who's that?" The boy took a few steps closer, curious and also worried. 

Was this who Thor was so worried about?

"Don't touch kid, your hand might fall off," Tony said, pulling Peter back. 

"W-What?!" Peter clutched his hands to his chest. 

Thor just glared at Tony, giving a big sigh before kneeling at the bedside of his brother. 

"I fear that he is slipping away." The god's voice was small and weak, full of concern. It sounded like just saying the words caused him pain. 

Tony set to work, getting winter gloves so he could check the god safely. 

He wondered what type of man Loki was back when Thor and he were younger. Thor certainly seemed to love his brother, despite everything. 

Grabbing two extra pairs of gloves for Thor and Peter, he headed back into the icy room, slipping his own gloves on. 

"Pete, can you help me out?" Tony asked softly. The teen could see the worry in the engineer's eyes. 

"Of course, but as soon as he's doing better,  I'd enjoy an explanation." Peter pulled his own gloves on, awaiting instruction. 

"And you'll get one. Now, can you pull the blanket off?" Tony asked. Then, noting the boy's expression, he added, "He has pants on don't worry." 

Tony fetched what he needed to check the vitals of the god. Turning back to Peter, he saw that the teen looked panicked, hand over his mouth and pity in his eyes.

Of course, Loki's scars.

Loki's wrists...

He placed a delicate hand on the boy's back. 

"What happened to him?" The boy asked sadly. 

"W-we don't know Peter. He hasn't woken up since the incident." Tony gave the boy a gentle side-hug before bending down to take Loki's pulse. 

"Okay Pete, can you write down what I tell you?" Tony asked. The teen nodded, not taking his eyes off the scarred god. 

"Then let's get started." 

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