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Loki had managed to clean himself and his cell up enough as to remove the illusion. 

Thor wandered through the cells, two guards at his side. They would escort the brothers only as far as the Bifrost. Then it was up to Thor. Loki stood, his signature smirk just a little harder to sustain from the pain on his arms. Thor spotted him, and a grim expression crossed his face. 

Loki winced internally. Even his dear brother hated his guts now.

Why wouldn't he hate a monster?

Thor came closer to the cell, mumbling to one of the guards to open the cell and chain Loki. 

"Ah, brother. It's been too long! How have you been?" Loki kept up his smirk and smug attitude that his brother had come to expect. Thor grimaced but stayed silent. Loki felt tears prick at his eyes. Just for once, he had hoped that his brother had some silly comment to give. Something to distract Loki from the pain in his limbs and the need to draw blood along his arms again. 

Holding back tears, Loki grinned wider, making his eyes burn with hatred. An expression his brother knew well. "How is it standing in the sun while I rot away in a cell?" He spat at his sibling, making his voice as cold and calculated as possible to ward away the waver of hysteria in his throat. Thor winced again. Loki felt his heart tug painfully. 

I'm so sorry brother. Loki hated hurting his brother oh so much. Finally, Thor spoke.

"Please brother. We don't have time for this. We need to get to Midgard." He muttered. Loki felt his heart shatter more. He really hated him. Thor had no care left in his voice. 

Warding away his pain, he extended his wrists for the Asgardian guards to chain and cuff. Wincing slightly as their rough hands dragged over his still-open cuts. He could only hope they wouldn't bleed again from the pressure. 

His brother looked so...hurt. Loki could almost cry just from the look for pain on the oaf's face. He made a silent promise to his brother.

As soon as I can, he swore, I will remove my burden from your shoulders brother. Taking a breath while being comforted by the shard of glass he held in his pocket, he continued his oath. I will do something to end your pain soon. If I am gone, for good, you will not suffer at my hand again. Tears prickled at his eyes. I promise brother. My death will be for the best. 

Once the shackles were set, they prepared to leave. Thor cast a glance at his brother, a silent plea not to make this any more difficult than it needed to be. Loki was too weak from blood-loss and starving himself to do much anyways. 

As they walked, he was given hate-filled glances from most people they passed. Finally, they arrived at the throne room. Thor had to tell Odin that they were leaving.

"My son, this traitor has not caused you trouble has he?" Loki did his best not to look at the man.  He knew that his feeble mind could not handle the memories of torment. And, yet, he was forced to. Lady Sif had accompanied them thus far and, noting Loki's apparent lack of respect, she hit him hard with the butt-end of her blade. Loki had to bite his lip not to yelp in pain. The acrid taste of blood filled his mouth, he had broken skin. She had hit exactly where he had been burned by the torturers the day before. Two big tears slipped from his eyes. They landed with dull sounds on the tiled floor. Sif stopped, her eyes wide. 

Was the heartless god of mischief...crying!? 

Loki took a breath, stopping himself from releasing any more tears, but the damage was done. The hall had fallen silent. 

Looking up just slightly, he examined the result. 


Thor stood, shock-still. Staring at the small rivulets of water that had splattered to the ground. 

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Where stories live. Discover now