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Loki walked side by side with Thor. His tears hidden by an illusion. Gods, this hurt so much more than he had expected. 

After a good 10-15 minutes of walking, they made it to their place of residence. 

Avengers Tower.

The man who called himself 'Captain America' waited at the door. His eyes were cold and hate-filled.

Was that how his eyes looked too? 

"Ah, Thor. You made it. Are you sure that we can't just toss him in a cell?" Steve asked, anger obvious in his voice. Thor smiled despite the tone of his friend, just happy to be back among the Avengers. 

"It is my father's orders to keep him under strict watch, but I really don't want to put him in a cell!" Thor walked forward, encasing another man in a big hug. Loki finally got a better look at the man, and his blood ran cold. It was Bruce Banner. Though it was irrational, Loki was terribly afraid of the man, his experience with The Hulk had left quite an impact. Behind the two Avengers stood Tony Stark. 

"Hey there Reindeer Games! How've you been?" Tony's voice was laid-back and had a kind tone, but digging a little deeper, his eyes were ablaze with suspicion. Loki sighed. His only choice was to keep up the impression that he was an emotionless monster. Plastering a smirk onto his face, making sure the illusion to hide his tears was still in place, he kept a careful eye on the heroes around him.

"Oh, I've been fine! The cell that I've been kept in was cozy as can be." He said, trying to sound angry or vengeful. He hoped his voice was as poisonous as the feeling of longing that was pulling at his arms. Tony looked disgusted. 

Another mistake.

Always another mistake. 

They steered him into the tower, though he was careful to keep anyone from touching him. 

After showing him around, they brought him to his room. It was rather barren, a bed, a desk, and a small window, but it was more than enough. 

He wouldn't be here long anyway.

As soon as they left him alone, he cast a spell to sound-proof the entire room. Noone would hear his sobs.

He broke then and there.

Tears streamed down his face and he screamed. 

it hurts.



make it stop hurting.

He scrambled for his pocket, pulling out the sharp shard of glass.

He cut his wrists and all the way up his arms. 

Finally, he was satisfied. He changed into Midgardian clothes. At least they weren't covered in red. He wiped his wooden floor clean of blood and wrapped his weeping arms in bandages. 

Splashing his face with water, he removed any trace of his breakdown. 

He tried on a smirk, it looked weak, even to him. 

Hopefully, it would fool the others. 

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Where stories live. Discover now