Suprise! - Danny Williams

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Raine's POV

"Grace, you have to promise me you CANNOT say anything to your dad about this." I said over the phone to the little girl I always called my own.
"Rai I promise I will not spill the beans. This will be the best surprise ever! He actually might cry" Grace said while giggling at the last part.
I smiled thinking about Danny. How I miss him so much. I haven't seen him in about 4 years.
We worked together here in New Jersey, known each other for about 10 years then he moved to Hawaii to be with his daughter Grace who I helped raise since she was one years old but I'm on my way to surprise him.

I miss my blondie with snarky comments.

I finally landed in Hawaii and took a cab to where Grace said he said works at. The Palace.

I start to get so nervous. What if he doesn't want to see me? I mean he's my best friend but still we haven't talked in a little while, different time zones and we are both busy. 
My hands get clammy.
I go up to the Five-O task force floor and walk right down.  Three heads whip towards me fast not expecting anyone but I see him. I see my blondie Danny.
"Raine? What the hell are you doing here!?" Danny asked surprised like he seen a ghost.
"I missed you.." I said not knowing what to do. He still so handsome.
"I missed you so much" he said walking towards me as he pulled me into the biggest hug.
He may be short I'm shorter than him.
I engulf his scent that I missed so much.
"I missed you.." he whispered as he kissed the side of my head.
All these feelings I had for him are coming back.. well they never fully went away.

We hugged for what felt like forever but it was interrupted by someone clearing their throat and Danny pulled away from our embrace.
"Uhh.. Raine" Danny says as a blush crept upon his cheeks.  "These are my partners Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett and Captain Lou Grover.  Steve, Lou this is Raine, my..." 
"Best friend that you love more than me and who you never shut up about.  Hi it's a pleasure meeting you Raine" Steve said as he cut off Danny's sentence and shook my hand.
"Oh yea, Raine.. we heard you and Danno over here go way back.  Have any embarrassing stories for us?" Lou said smiling as Steve smirked at his comment.
"Wait wait you guys call him Danno too?" I asked shocked
"Yea Grace always called him that and it kind of stuck" Steve said with a shrug.
I started to laugh
"Oh here we go.." Danny sighs dramatically putting a  hand on his temples.
"I have Danno over here that nickname.  When I used to babysit Grace I told her that Danno was his real name and she always called him that since" I said in between laughs.  "I'm glad it stuck around"
"Can we not have a let's make fun on Danno and catch up on the three years that we missed" he said whining like the little kid he is. 
But I will never change the way he acts.  That's one of the reasons why I fell in love with him.

"Of course Danno!  How have ya been?" I said with a cheekily smile which earned me an eye roll from him.
"Hey Danno why don't you take the rest of the day off and get Raine settled in and take her out for lunch.  Lou and I got it from here" Steve said to Danny
"Thank you Steven" Danny said saying his name with his sarcastic voice.
"You better move your ass before I change my mind"
"Yessir."  "C'mon Rai lets go to the only place i like in this pineapple infested hellhole."  As he grabbed my hand and spent the rest of the day by my side.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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