I Love Her - Danny Williams

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Hi. I'm Dr. Samantha Reid. I'm an ER doctor. I used to be a nurse in the Army and went to school do get my PhD.
Of course, I'm working tonight. It was a pretty quiet night right now. Not too many patients coming in. I was in my call light room catching up on some emergency room notes on a few patients until I received an URGENT call to my pager telling me to go the ER now for a gun shot wound. I ran into the room to see Five-O but Danny.. is bleeding on the hospital bed in pain.
"Oh Danny.." I weeped
"Allison! IV fluids now!" I yelled at the nurse.
"Danny honey keep your eyes open for me." I said as I cleaned the wound and started to take the bullet out.
I became good friends with the Five-O task force due to them always getting shot or injured and I'm always here when they need to be patched up. We go out for a few drinks and food every once in a while and Kono and I have our girls day.
I especially got a liking to Detective Williams.
His blonde slicked back hair, beautiful blue eyes. Don't forget his button up shirt and tie he likes to wear in Hawaii for some reason.
I patched the wound up. He lost a lot of blood.
"Danno.." I was waiting for him to wake up so was the rest of Five-O
He fluttered his eyes and looked at me. He smiled.
"You saved my life too many times to count. Thank you Sam."

"Danny" I said trying to hide my smile. "We need to keep you over night love. You lost a lot of blood and I just need to monitor you. Don't worry you're going to be okay." I told him playing with his hair while my other hand is in his.

I left to go do notes and paperwork while I let Five-O talk to Danny. After about an hour Steve found me.
"Hey Sammy. We're about to head out. Please call us if anything." He said while hugging me tight.
"Okay I will, love you Steve" returning his hug.
"Love you too." Before he walked out the door he stopped and turned to me.
"Stop being scared and tell Danno you love him." He smiles then does his signature wink .
Then that he walked out.

It was about 5:00am my shift ends at 7:00am
I walked into Danny's room seeing him asleep.
I grabbed his hand and looked at him. He's perfect even in a hospital bed.
"Danny.. I love you. Not just as a friend. I can never lose you." I whispered and kissed his head and left his room.
I let him sleep. He will be discharged in the morning.
Danny's POV

She said she loved me. I can't believe it. I need to tell her.
I love her too.
Sammy's POV

It's a little after 7:00am. I'm finishing up my shift doing my last rounds on some patients before I hand off my call light to the next Dr on shift.
I walked into Danny's room. He's awake.
I gulped. He's so gorgeous.
"Hey Danno" I said quietly said to him
"Hi Sammy. Thank you again for everything. You saved my life yet again" he smiled
"Anything for my favorite detective" I replied back with a smirk.
Danny looked at me and did his cute smile he does.
"Oh I'm your favorite detective? Well you're my favorite doctor"
"I better be your favorite doctor." Damn I can't flirt to save my life. This is why I don't date.
Let's change the subject real quick.
"Hey Danno I'm done with my shift but you get to go home in a little bit. The nurse is grabbing your discharge papers. You need someone to be with you for today though to take care of you and watch you." I told him trying to get into doctor mode.
"No one is really available.. Five-O is most likely on the case from yesterday and the only other person I have here is Grace but she's with Rachel. She can't see me like this." he paused and looked at me. "Sammy, my beautiful Dr. Sammy Reid, will you do the honor of Danny-sitting me today?" He asked smiling at me while grabbing my hand.
"Of course Danny. I'll always be here to help you."
I probably look like a tomato. He called me beautiful. He said my beautiful. Oh God butterflies are filling my stomach. He makes me feel a way I never felt before.

I didn't forget about what she said to me last night when she thought I was sleeping.
She loves me more than a friend..
I love her more than a friend.
I tried to flirt with her. I called her beautiful and I can see her blushing.
She's so cute. She's perfect. Samantha Reid is going to be mine.

"Can we leave now please?" I asked with a pout.
I need to get out of this damn hospital.
Although this is where I met the most beautiful girl standing in front of me right now.
"Let's get out of here Danno." She said smiling while helping me out of bed.

She signed me out and as soon as she started driving I fell into a deep sleep.

"Danny.. Danny.. DANNY.. DANIEL!!!" I heard while being shaken awake.
"What huh where am I" I asked while opening my eyes with blurry vision.
"We're at my place. I don't know where you live and I didn't want to wake you. C'mon I can't carry you myself." She giggled a little bit.
"Are you calling me fat?" I acted fake hurt.
She smirked and said "maybe a little."
"Wow that hurt." I pouted joking around with her.
"C'mon Danno.. let me help you up."
She helped me into her house. It's beautiful.
"I'm going to get us something to drink." She says walking into her I assume kitchen
I see pictures all over the place of different people. Her in an Army uniform.
I see some pictures of her with another man. They look really close. I don't know why I get so jealous.
I don't even know the story on this guy.
"That was my best friend. Andy. He died saving my life in Iraq. I got shot in my stomach and he didn't leave my side and was too occupied taking care of me. Someone came up from behind and shot him and he died instantly. He was laying on me dead and I couldn't move until our team found us. I was unconscious by the time they got there. He didn't even have a chance." She said behind me in a sad soft voice with tears falling down her face.
I turned around to look at her.
"I'm so sorry.."
I limped over to her wiped her tears and hugged her tightly.
"It's not your fault. You would've done the same for him."
She just looks at me with sad eyes. Then her eyes change to love. We were lost staring in each other's eyes for what seemed like hours.
This is my chance I think.
I look down to her soft pink lips.
I slowly lean closer to her and kiss her.
She kisses back.
We kiss for a few minutes still holding onto each other tightly.
"I love you and I have been in love with you for a while" I whispered.
"I love you too Danny.. so much." She said back kissing my lips lightly.
"Oh I know" I smirked
"How did you know?" Sammy asked shocked
"I heard you last night in the hospital."
"You an ass Detective." She said with a smile.
"But I'm your ass" I winked while kissing her again.
"Can we go lay down? I'm starting to get sore standing." I say to her. Part of me cause I am getting sore and tired but other part of me just wants to hold her close and not let go.
"Of course Detective. Whatever you say." She said to me when a wink and helps me to her room.
Ughhhhh she's so gorgeous
Sammy helps me change into some sweats and a T-shirt. Steve brought a bag to the hospital last night for me in case I get discharged. Wow Mcgarrett being nice to me for once.
I don't know why I got so nervous when Sammy was helping me get changed. Maybe cause of my dad bod. I don't know but she didn't seem to mind. In fact she was actually blushing. Mmm.
"You like what you see" I said smirking trying to joke around with her.
She stood up to face me and she looked at me. With love. Then she kissed me.
I will never get tired of her kisses.
I of course kissed back.
She pulls away and we crawl into her bed. She lays on my chest and hugs my body but lightly to make sure to not hurt me. I kissed her head.
"I love you Sammy." I whispered to her.
"I love you Danny." She whispered back.

I don't want anyone else. My last thoughts before I drifted off into sleep.

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