Home - Steve McGarrett

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It's been 2 and a half years since my husband Steve left for a mission.
He didn't know when he was going to return. I understood that though. I used to be in the Navy but that all changed when my sailor and I got pregnant with our son John Michael McGarrett. John after Steve's father. Michael after my brother.
Steve and I have been together for 7 years. We knew each other for about 9 years.
We were on the same Navy ship together. Did some missions together and became inseparable since.
John is 4 years old now almost going to be 5 in a few weeks and we also have a beautiful baby girl who is 2 named Nalani Kai McGarret. Nalani is my mother's middle name and Kai means "ocean" which is Steve and I's favorite place. Steve wasn't there when Nalani was born. The only thing he knows her by is the pictures and letters I send him.. if he even gets them.
I always worry about seamen coming to my door and announcing my husband is dead. That didn't happen though yet
My thoughts get interrupted by my alarm going off. Even though I didn't sleep. My eyes lay off into the darkness of my ceiling. Is my sailor going to come back?
I groggily turn off my alarm. 6:30am John has to be at school for 7:00am luckily it's only a five minute drive. Steve's Aunt Deb is going to come over and watch Nalani while I go to work.
I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower, brush my teeth, do my hair and makeup and change into some work appropriate clothes. I'm a doctor, I'll be wearing my white coat over it anyways
I walk into John's room to see him peacefully sleeping. He looks so much like his dad. With his brunette hair and blue eyes. While Nalani looked like me. Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
"John honey, baby it's time for you to wake up" I said in a soft voice trying not to startle my 5 year old.
"Please mommy, I need 5 more minutes" he whined in the cutest sleepy voice ever
"No honey, you need to get up please" I said
"Ugh fine mommy but I need a nap later"
I giggled "whatever you say John" shaking my head.
He gets up and heads to the kitchen while I grab him clothes. I grab Nalani who is still sleeping peacefully and change her diaper real quick.
With her still sleeping thank god you're a heavy sleeper like your mama
I put her back down in her crib and grab the baby monitor. I head downstairs and see John is sitting at the kitchen table looking down at his hands
"You Okay John?" I ask him
He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Mommy, I miss daddy"
My heart broke.
"Oh honey, I miss him too. So much" I said hugging him tight to me.
"When is he coming home?" My 5 year old asked with hope in his eyes I say soon. He asks me about once a week and I can only say
"I don't know baby" I really don't know if he ever is going to come home..
"Well I got you mommy" he said kissing my cheek. "And you got me J" I said smiling at him
"Oh that must be Aunt Deb!" I exclaimed trying to get my sons mind off of his father.
John and I start going towards the door then my phone rung thinking it was the hospital I turned around to go grab my phone.
"John open the door for Aunt Deb while I take this!"

Noticing it's just a telemarketer I realized that John or Aunt Deb didn't come in. I walk into the living room and I went into shock.
Standing there was him. My husband in his combat uniform hugging our five year old. I start to cry and that's when he notices me. He puts down John without ever leaving eye contact with me.
We meet halfway and just stare not believing that we are both seeing each other in person.
"Aloha" He said while a huge smile appears on his face.
"Aloha" I barley said above a whisper. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly as he does the same.
"I missed you so much" we both said while looking at each other but not breaking apart our hug.
We start to hear cries through the baby monitor.
I looked at Steve "do you want to meet her?"
"Of course I do"

We spent all day hanging out.  Just the four of us.  Before Steve came he already told Aunt Deb to not come and he called my work before to tell them to find someone to cover for me. 
And that was our day. 
Cuddling, movies and food with my three favorite people knowing my Steve is alright.

Until next mission

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