5- Third Time's a Charm

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Elora had been asleep for many days now but she was still alive. Vicka had begun to get very worried about her. Her father had been struck in the battle and Reliha had fallen with him being mated, if your mate dies you go with him. Elora was not mated so she could not be the alpha therefore the next dominant family in the pack to be alpha until Elora was mated. The new alphas took the cave so Elora now lay on the cold ground of the forest. Any pack member who came near Elora would have to face vicka and vicka's wolf was in control now and her human could not control it. She had gone feral and Elora will to when she wakes up.

"Vicka?" Elora had finally awoken and that had calmed vicka, for now. "I can feel the break in the bond. My parents. Tears slid down her face showing a vulnerable side to Vicka.

"I know deer, I know." Vicka said trying to comfort her. "I'm so confused" Elora told vicka.

"Tell me what happened." Elora commanded and so Vicka sat down next to her friend leaning against a tree and explained to her how her father had been struck by a sword and her mother had fallen with him. She told her how Anderon and Shayla were now the Alpha's.

"Your fathers last words were to Anderon and to protect you with his life. he put me in charge of you and to keep you away from the pack while he settles them and talk to them about Folan and Reliha. I'm so sorry."

By the time Vicka was done talking Elora had stopped crying and her eyes had started to glow. She was so angry at who had killed her father that she would torture him. But the man was already dead. She wanted Eric she didn't know why but she wanted to see him to be close to him. But he's the reason why their dead! She didn't understand why she felt this way. But still she was angry and now very dangerous to those less dominant then her.

. . .

Vicka was determined to get Eric and get him to talk to Elora or she would kill anybody. Shewas certain that Eric must be a half blood. And also Elora 's, mate. Vicka wasn't mated but she knew that Elora hadn't felt feelings like that before to anyone except for her parents.

Vicka ran through the forest that was starting to lighten up. She finally made it to the village and smiled at what she saw. The sun was peeking over the hill were the castle stood. Vicka wasn't sure if the prince would still be asleep but she hoped that he was.

Vicka stopped at the castle doors and watched two men come up to her yelling something in the wrong language. She drew her sword and in an instant they were lying on the ground, dead.

Vicka opened the door to the castle and from there on she used the scent she remembered from the very first day they saw each other to find him.

When she was finally at a large brass door she inhaled deeply. and opened the door. She crept in silently and searched for the prince. He was sitting at his desk writing something "Hello?" He asked turning in his chair. Vicka lunged and pulled out her sword and knocked him on the head with it. He fell to the ground without another word.

"That worked better than I thought." She told the empty room.

From then on she dragged him. She dragged him through the forest and lay him next to a tree. "Your pretty heavy for a wolf." She told him even though he was still unconscious. She grabbed some rope and put it around his hands and then attached it to the tree just encase he woke up while she went and got Elora. "Now wait here and don't move." she said just as a groan escaped from his mouth.

She ran as fast As she could through the forest and saw Elora sitting by a bush. She was awake but her head was in her hands and she had her back to Elora. Vicka walked slowly toward her and when she stepped on a branch it snapped making Elora growl. But when she saw it was only Vicka she calmed.

"What do you want?" She asked and Vicka knew that her wolf was defiantly in charge now.

"Please come with me I have a surprise for you." She said with one of her famous, friendly smiles.

Elora got up and followed Vicka through the forest. They walked not saying anything. Elora wasn't sure if she should've gone with Vicka but her life had already fallen to pieces, or maybe not. She stopped abruptly when she saw Eric staring at her with his bright eyes and soft face that almost glowed.

Elora stared at him for a little while longer feeling happy for the first time in a long time when she remembered that he led the men into the woods.

She shifted and lunged putting a helpless Eric onto his back. Eric saw the scare that was left from when one of his men had hurt her. He felt very angry and then remembered that a wolf was on top of her. A wolf is on top of me! His eyes grew large as she snarled at him. "Please, calm down little kitty." Was the only thing he could think of to say.

Elora cocked her head to the side and stared she slowly backed off and still looking at him shifted back into her human form.

"Look I'm really sorry about your father but-" he started but Vicka cut him off "And mother." She said. Eric looked at her and sat up. "...And mother but I didn't mean for them to die. I thought you were a human so I was worried about you and came looking for you but when I told my parents I was going out they insisted I bring some men come with me. My father then got the ten men to come out with me."

Elora stared at him a little longer and then walked up to him and grabbed her sword. She pulled it back and then cut the rope on his wrists. He stood up and was allot closer than they had ever been.

"My wolf longs to be with you. Vicka thinks you are my mate." She smoothly and calmly.

"You mean like boyfriend mate?" he asked surprised. " I thought humans and werewolves couldn't mate."

"They can't, which is why you would have to be a half blood." Elora felt her soul and the shell that had been covering it since her parents died broke through and light was now shining through. She smiled and Eric smiled back.

Vicka slowly backed away to give them space, she smiled at seeing her friend so happy again.

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