2- The Human

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Prince Eric was strolling the castle "another boring day" he muttered under his breath as he headed toward the royal kitchen to get a snack.

"Good morning your highness " May, head of the kitchen said.

"I made you some Muesli for breakfast.

He nodded his head as she handed him a bowl as he headed for the door.

"Today I'm going to do something fun." He said to himself as he headed to his father's room. He headed down a long corridor to the grand ball room and past the throne room, he took an immediate right and was at his destination. The room was large with golden coloured walls and a white marble floor. In the middle of the room lay a king size golden bed with bronze and silver sheets on it. A canopy hung from the four white poles sticking up from each corner of the bed. That's where he found his father.

"I'm going out with mark for a ride." He told his father "alright son."

"Watch out for those werewolves." His father told him.

"They shouldn't be a problem."He started to jog toward the stable.

"Hannah get 2 horses ready." He said as he walked around the corner of the stable."Yes you highness." She replied shyly.

"your highness." Mark- a knight and also Eric's best friend said as he acknowledged Eric.

"were going to look for some trouble." He told Mark with a smirk and kept walking.

Once they were out in the woods, they walked their horses.

"It's a beautiful day isn't it?" Mark asked Eric but his eyes were fixated on something in the woods.

"Did you see that?" He asked mark.

Mark furrowed his brow as he looked deeper into the forest. They both were fixated on the forest to their left as their horses came to a stop.

A rustling sound came from inside the forest, but still they saw nothing.

"Probably just a rabbit." Mark said as he kicked his horse and looked forward onto the path. Eric did the same but keeping an eye out for anything that moved.

Eric and mark had heard of the wolves before so they had never went very far in.

They walked in silence for a while until mark finally broke it.

"So, are you excited for your marriage this weekend?" Mark asked.

"Not really. I had hoped for a girl who wasn't so scared of me and would actually talk to me without saying 'highness'." He answered. Eric wasn't like most guys he was very curios and he liked to talk a lot and didn't like to be alone. He didn't disagree with the way of the town but he didn't like the way the females were so shy. Eric would never hurt someone he loved. He wished he could love the girl his father had chose but they were very different and whenever he tried to talk to her she answered but then she would go back to what she was doing.

"Renesa comes from a very good quality home and is bound to produce beautiful children." Eric said using his best 'father's' voice. Mark laughed at him attempt to mock his father.

They walked in silence for awhile listening to the forest waken by the morning sun. a bird swooped to the ground trying to catch his breakfast. Rabbit and deer jumped out of the path for the oncoming men.

Out of nowhere someone said something behind them, making their heads turn.

Elora was now 17 years old. She was only 3 months away from being alpha of the pack, that is if she could find a mate. Elora had grown up to be strong and loyal to her pack. Her father and mother still led the Ash-bridge pack.

Elora had turned out to be very striking. She had had many boyfriends but no signs that the man was her mate ever showed.

She had made many friends over the past 12 years, when she was introduced to the pack she became very popular.

But one friend proved herself to be very worthy of the alpha's daughter. Her name was Vicka. Vicka and Elora had been friends for a very long time. They often practiced fighting against each other and attack plans. They were also hunting partners. They made a very good team bringing down deer after deer and knight after knight. When Elora turned 18, or whenever she was mated because when you are mated you are stronger, she would go into the army to fight with her pack. It was very rare for a female to go into the army but she loved a good fight.

Vicka and Elora walked through the forest now, looking for breakfast.

"There is less animals than usual." Elora told Vicka as they saw their first rabbit cross through the forest. They didn't chase it they were both very curious of the amount of animals and they needed something a little bigger to fill their stomachs.

"Something probably chased them away." She told Vicka who was listening closely with her large black ears for a sound.

"I wonder what that something is..." Elora said as she started to walk a little more swiftly. "hmmm." Vicka mumbled, still focused on finding the resource.

Elora stuck her nose in the air as she caught an unusual but familiar smell.

"Do you smell that?" Vicka asked Elora as she caught up to her as she increased her pace once more.

Elora smiled a wicked smile. "Humans." She said quietly but she knew that Vicka's wolf hearing would pick it up.

They began to run until she saw two humans on horse walking down the path.

They both ran up in front of them as they ran next to the path, dodging trees and jumping over shrubs.

Elora caught a glimpse at one on the men closest to her.

He had dark brown hair his eyes a deep, dark blue. His face was clean of facial hair. He had long legs and strong arms. Built to fight. She thought. He was wearing a white t-shirt that was tucked into his tight, black pants. He's beautiful. On his feet he had back boots that came to just under his knee. On the right side of his body there was a sword strapped to his belt. If I can catch him off guard then he won't have much time to draw his sword.

Elora thought about the strategies her father had taught her. When she was done thinking she shifted into her human form knowing that against a man with a sword would be easier to fight with her own sword. Actually, that's not true it would just be more fun. She climbed up a tree and looked at the knife strapped her belt. And then looked at Vicka who had also shifted and was now climbing a tree next to her.

"That's the prince." She said with a worried look on her face.

"I wonder what he is doing in the forest?" Elora thought out loud but spoke very quietly so the humans could not hear.

They jumped from tree to tree landing very softly on the branches. The men were moving very slowly but they talked a lot about a girl name Renesa.

Then she saw it. The other man had a bow. Bows were the worst, they could shoot a werewolf from far or near. We will have to go for him first.

She looked at Vicka who was staring at her inventively.

The bow she spoke but no words came out.

Vicka red Elora 's lips and then looked at the bow and then pointed to herself meaning that she would go for the bow man and Elora would take down the prince.

Elora made one nod with her head and then made her move.

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