Chapter One

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Lucy Ashley awoke in a strange forest, head throbbing. The last thing she remembered was all the magic draining from her world and her Earthland friends being returned home.

What the blonde didn't remember was how exactly she had arrived here. She hadn't ever seen a location like this in Edolas, so where in the world could she be?

Her ears perked up at the sound of voices and she peeked behind a tree to see who it was. A man was waving goodbye to someone up ahead, his light pink hair swaying along with the wind. She knew exactly who it was.

"Natsu!" Running out from behind her hiding spot, the girl jumped on top of him and started hitting and punching at him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Opening an eye at her, the dragon slayer shoved her off and backed up in shock when he saw who she was, "S- S- Scary Lucy?" He shouted, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you talkin' abou—"

A wave of shock filled her body as she realized what had happened. The portals. The magic draining from her homeland. Earthland Lucy grabbing her hand as she was floating away. She must have accidentally been pulled in in the process!

"Oh, Happy this is not good. One Lucy was hard enough to handle, but now this one?"


"What the crud are you two idiots talking about?"

"Here, just come on." Natsu ordered, taking hold of the girl's hand and dragging her alongside him. Lucy did her best to hide the blush on her cheeks, knowing that she had to hide this silly crush of hers from her other guildmates. There was no way in hell that they were ever gonna find out.

"Hey, Luce, is something wrong?"

"Wha- Uh... no. Just tell me where you're going, or you're gonna be sorry!"

"Chill, we're just going to Lucy's!" He answered, letting her hand go for a second so that he could get the window open. He snuck in by himself, frowning when he realized his Lucy wasn't here.

"Crap." He mumbled, climbing right out, "Maybe she's at the Guild?"

Lucy Ashley's eyes lit up in excitement. She was eager to see how different this Fairy Tail was from her own.

"Oh, Natsu!"

The Dragon Slayer looked up and smiled at Lucy Heartfilia, "There you are! We were lookin' for you!"

"We? Oh, is Happy here or something?"

"Nah, he's back at the house. Lucy's with me though."

The badass blonde waved her hand nonchalantly, surprised when she was tackled with a surprise hug.

"Wait." The Celestial Mage said, "What are you doin' here? Natsu, what did you do?"

"What are you goin' on about, I didn't do anything!"

"Who else could it be? Geez, how stupid can you get, bringing Lucy to Earthland?"

"Look, just take 'er to your house already. She needs a place to stay."

"Seriously? You can't just go around demanding things from me!"

"And why not?"


"Because what?"

"Just because!"

"Just take you back to your apartment."

"Ugh, fine!" Turning around, she grabbed hold of Scary Lucy's arm and led her inside her apartment complex. They walked upstairs under the watchful eye of the Landlady and entered the apartment.

"Here!" She shouted, gesturing to the large space, "Make yourself at home. Well... I guess it technically is your home...?"

Lucy Ashley looked around the apartment, grimacing at the pink wallpaper in Earthland Lucy's bedroom. Scary Lucy noticed a small wooden box and tried to pick it up, but for some reason her counterpart yanked it back and set it down without saying anything.

"Is something wrong, Lucy?"

"It's just..." Lucy Heartfilia mumbled, "These are so important to me. I'd never showed these to anyone, so there's no way anyone but me is going to be reading these."

"Well, that means I can read them, right? What are they, anyway?"

"Letters." She answered, "To my Mother."

"To you—?"

"She died in the year X777. I know it's silly, but even after she passed I continued writing to her." Slowly, she handed the wooden box over to her counterpart, who shifted around and opened the wax seal.

Dear Mom,

About a week after we defeated Phantom, we started rebuilding, and everything seemed normal again. But it wasn't long before things suddenly took a turn for the worse.

We were confronted by the Rune Knights, the Magic Council's army. They rounded everyone up, and took us to a military post for extensive questioning. We had to endure a week of daily interrogations, but everything seems to have blown over now. From what I can gather, the Council has decided to make a ruling on Fairy Tail's punishment at a later date.

But you don't have to worry about me, Mom. I don't think they're gonna be too hard on us. All of the evidence, including eyewitness reports, clearly shows that Phantom was the one who attacked us first.

You know, Mom, I can't help but wonder if Dad really was the one behind all of this. You don't think he'd go that far, do you? Now that I think about it, he would. Without even giving it a second thought.

I just don't understand why he's so desperate for me to come home all of the sudden. It's not like he cared that I was there before.

Mom? He'd do it again, wouldn't he? Use his money to try and control me. No. I won't let that happen.

Not this time.

"What the hell is this?" Scary Lucy asked, shoving the letter in front of Lucy Heartfilia's face, "Were you attacked, or something? Who do I have to beat up for this?" Sounding very protective, she tugged at the collar of Earthland Lucy's blouse, awaiting an answer.

Knowing that she couldn't convince herself to lay off, Lucy gave in. She explained everything from the guild hall being destroyed to her being kidnapped (twice) and nearly beaten to death. All because of her father, Jude Heartfilia.

"This is bullshit! Scary Lucy shouted, punching the floor, "How dare someone hurt you like that?"

"I was way weaker back then. Phantom Lord was a very powerful guild. I'm fine though, I promise. Their guild's been disbanded." Looking up, the Celestial Mage saw herself crying. She had never seen her counterpart let her guard down like this before.

"Hey." Lucy Heartfilia said, offering her hand to the short-haired girl, "A lot's gone on today, huh? Say, Lucy, why don't we go to bed? We can talk about everything in the morning."

And hopefully find you a way back home, Real Lucy thought to herself. Her counterpart was very afraid, and she could see it.

"Fine." The short-fused girl humphed, "I guess that's okay..."

Tossing over a pair of pajamas to the girl, Real Lucy waved goodnight to herself. Admittedly, she wasn't looking forward to tomorrow morning.

No, not at all.


A/N: Hey y'all! I know, so many Fairy Tail fanfics lately! Hope y'all are enjoying them, but I have to say that I'll be taking a short break from these to work on some of my old fanfictions that have been on hiatus for a while now. So, don't worry your pretty little heads about it because I'll be back as soon as I can!



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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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