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Guess who turns 19 today!! (Its 00:42 rn and I turn 19 at 02:07 so I just have an hour and a half to go!)

Ash's POV

The weekend has passed and I'm fueled with anticipation.. Worry. I woke up early to meet Larry and Sal before they leave the apartment. I walk into the Johnson's apartment and say goodmorning to Lisa. She's so nice. Larry walks out of his room, dressed and tired, and pauses the second he sees me. "I know it's early but Sal isn't lying." I exclaim to him as I reach for the picture. "Really, dude? Early doesn't even cut it. I really don't want to think about it right now. Now lemme eat" he replies. Lisa happily already has two bowls of frosted flakes made with the milk jug next to it.

I little while later, our bowls are empty and Larry is struggling to get in touch with Sal. "Did he maybe leave without you?" I ask, the pictures still in my hand. "No. Lets just.. lets just see if he's waiting in the lobby." An elevator ride later and we're greeted by a deserted 1st floor. Larry sighs and I grab his hand. "Listen to me now.. please." I ask. He turns around with a slightly annoyed face and nods. I hand him the picture "Sal was telling the truth, there was someone there." I explain. He looks down at the picture with a look in his eyes that resemble guilt.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I reach up to his shoulder, a little too close to his neck. "What're you guys doing." Sal interrupts. Larry quickly jerked away from me and hid the photo behind his back. "We were waiting for you." Larry says quietly. Sal looks between us and then at Larry's hand still behind his back. "What's that, Larry?" he asks, anger drips from his lips as he says his name. He says nothing in reply. "Cat still got your tongue? Or maybe it's a dog. If i'm lucky, it'll rip it out for me." He starts to walk away and everything seems to go in slow motion as he passes us. He gives Larry a look that's filled with so much anger and hurt and just pure negativity. What the fuck is going on between them two? 

We walk outside and Sal seemed to have walked a little quicker than we thought as he's nowhere in sight. "Okay. What the fuck did you do, Johnson?" I ask him blatantly as we start to walk. Nothing. I jump up a little and give him a swat to the back of his head. He rubs the back of his head "I deserve that" he says softly. "Dude. Just talk to me. What happened between you two? I've never seen Sal so angry. I've never really seen him angry in general, but this.. this is a lot of bad." Larry goes over all that happened over the weekend with Sal and then his talk with Todd.

I shake my head as he finishes. "He's right. Todd. You know weird shit happens in this town and even weirder shit happens since Sal got here. It's been happening since we were kids, unless you forgot."

8 Years Earlier

"Alrighty Larry, Your dad and I have to run some errands. Are you kids gonna be okay without us?" Lisa asks the four kids sitting in Larry's room. They all nod happily. "We'll bring some pizza back with us" Jim, Larry's dad says with a wink and a smile. Chug gives a little victorious fist bump to Larry. 30 minutes pass by and the kids are all sprawled out on the floor. "I'm bored" Larry says. Todd and chug nod in agreement. "I have an idea of something we can do" Chug and Larry perk up at the sound of something fun to do. "It's not gonna be like last time, right?" Todd says both annoyed and concerned. "Oh come on dude. We weren't lost for THAT long."  Larry says. "Well dUdE, we came back to the beginning of a police search." Silence. "We were gone for four hours!" Todd lets out a sigh as he realizes none of them REALLY care about the consequences. "Okay, what's your plan?" Chug asks. 

Ash giggles in excitement as the four kids ride up the elevator to the fifth floor. "I heard that people were murdered up here" Chug says nervously. "Oh come on, you're not thinking about backing out now, are you?" Ash says. "He's sort of right though. There used to be a family that lived up here and they all died. Not here though" Todd pipes in. The three turn and look at him, waiting for more. "That's all I know. I don't know how, why, or when so don't ask." A few moments the elevators opened up. Ash stepped out with an excited smile and turned to see the three hesitant boys. "Come on guys. You got me if anything happens" One by one, they exited the elevator and looked around the dimly lit hallway. Ash, Todd and Chug all walk down to room 504 as Larry hesitates. Room 503.. Dad used to live here before he was with mom. He jiggles the door knob and finds it unlocked. That's dumb. He walks into the room and starts looking around.

Ash, Todd and Chug walk into room. "Guys! Look at this!" Ash speaks up. Todd and Chug walk over to the door in front of them, covered in old chipped paint and a "Keep Out" sign. "Think we could get in?" She says with a smirk. Chug rolls his eyes and walks towards the bathroom as Ash messes with the door knob. Unlocked? Awesome.  "Ladies first" She motions towards Todd. He rolls his eyes and takes a step in. Ash turns around  "Where's Chug and Larry?" she asks confused. She looks around confused and Todd hesitates as he sees the mattress against the wall move. Two blood curdling scream fills their ears and they run to find their friends, and just as Todd was about to run out he saw a figure appear within the mattress. Larry bolts into the room as Chug exits the bathroom, tears falling down his face as he cries hysterically. "What happened?!" Larry asks concerned. "G-girl! Bl-blood! G-g-gho-ghost!" he sobs. Ash darts into the bathroom but comes out with a disappointed glare, "It was just your imagination. There's nothing in there!" Ash rolls her eyes as Chug tries to explain but only stutters more nonsense that no one can understand.

"Okay, calm down' Todd says as he hands Chug a sucker and turns to the other two kids 'I'm taking him home before he pees himself." Larry starts to move to the door but Ashley grabs his arm. "Wait.' Larry turns to his taller friend 'Come to the bedroom with me. I didn't get to see it yet." Larry rolls his eyes "Shouldn't we go comfort him or something? Your adventure can wait this time, Ash." She squeezes his arm tighter "Larry! I.. I heard a scream in there-' Larry cuts her off 'It was just Chug. Sound travels dummy." She squeezes her fists to her sides and faces her head to the ground, squeezing her eyes shut "No it wasn't! I heard it. It sounded like a lady screaming." Larry hesitates and sighs. He starts walking towards the room with Ash right behind him. They walk into the room and Larry looks around "See? There's nothing in here." Ash looks around nervously and then sighs in defeat. "I guess it was just Chug."

Like always, as if their lives were entangled with fate and perfect timings, a spine shivering, disgusting sound fills the room and a lady appears mangled in the mattress on the wall. The kids stand frozen by fear. "rUn. hE'S cOmMInG." she gurgles out. A look of fear crosses the ghosts face and she disappears as disgustingly as she came. Ash grips onto Larry's arm so tight, he winces from the pain of her nails piercing his skin but starts to shove her out of the room as blackness starts to creep out of a hole in the wall. A deep rumble shakes their bones as he pulls her out of the apartment room and to the elevator. A pair of red glowing balls is the last thing she saw as Larry yanks her into the just barely opened elevator.

Present Day

"Ash we were just-" She gives him a look and he stops talking. "Oh no no no. You were gonna say 'We were just kids with aCtIVe ImAgINaTiONs!' weren't you you little shit! We had nightmares about all that shit for weeks and Chug started wetting his bed! All you do is deny these things! You push all of it back and never wanna face the truth!' Ash starts to yell at Larry 'And now that I actually have proof of this shit happening, YOU want to deny that too! Even when it's at the cost of your boyfriend!" Larry's face turns a deep red and he stops walking "Whoa! We are NOT together!" he raises his voice back as he seems to get angry. Ash scoffs "Whatever, Johnson. Try explaining that to literally any of your friends.. including him" she says as she points at Sal walking with Todd in the distance. Ash starts walking away "Just keep denying everything in your life, see where it'll get you!" Larry stands alone as he watches all his friends walk into the school without him.

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