They Whisper

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Author speaking!
Okay so just a few things. Anything only in italics is what said person is thinking. Anything in italics and underlined is what Sally wrote down. And anything only in bold is what Sally is saying in sign language.

Sally's POV
Starting at a new school is always hard. Especially with me. People always wanna stare, but I can't blame them. I'm a hideous monster behind a stupid mask. I walked to school with one of my new friends, Larry. He's pretty cool and has killer taste in music. The only downside: he's like... 7 feet taller than me. I swear.

"Earth to Sally, you there?" Larry speaks up, knocking me out of my wandering thoughts. I look up at him to show he's got my attention. He lets out a small laugh "What goes through your mind for you to be able to just block the world out so easily?"

He shakes his head with a small smile. "But like I said, we're almost there. Just another block or two away." I give him a smile (even though he can't see it) and a nod of my head. "I guess it's good that you're starting here at the beginning of the semester instead of right in the middle" Larry says, trying to keep on the positive side I guess. I give him a shrug. We walk the rest of the way to school in silence.

Silence. The only constant thing I've ever seemed to have in my life.

I get a little nervous as we approach the school, unknowingly, slowing down my pace. I guess Larry noticed. "Hey. Dude. It's gonna be okay." He says to reassure me as he places his hands on my shoulders. I slowly nod my head and continue walking down the path to a new hell.


Larry guides me through a hall of piercing eyes and judging whispers to the office and helps me get my schedule together and find my locker. To our excitement, we have a good amount of classes together AND our lockers aren't too far apart.

Neat. I think to myself with a small smile. And with that, we head off to our first class together, stopping by our lockers on the way. We walk into the class and I'm greeted by a few other new friends of mine. "Sally!" the auburn haired girl shouts in excitement, catching the attention of a few other classmates. The rest of the group looks up and says their hellos as well. I wave and smile back Why am smiling at them? It's not like they can even see it..

I catch Larry smiling in the corner of my eye.. He really is pretty... Bro. Wtf. Is that gay? I shake the thought out of my head as I sit down at the desk my friends saved for me in front of Larry and next to Ash and Todd.

Our teacher walks in and speaks up over the loud class "Good Morning everyone. As you know, my name is Mrs. Samson and I'll be your science teacher for the semester" there's a few groans and sighs from the not so happy students. "Before we start, I'd like you all to meet your new classmate, Sal Fisher" She looks my way and I rummage through my bag and pull out a piece of paper for Larry to read.

He takes the paper with a smile "Hi. My name is Sal Fisher and I don't talk. Most of you are probably curious about the mask. Well, it's a prosthetic. I will not take it off. No matter how many times you ask. And please, don't bug me with trying to figure out what happened cause I'd rather not talk to any of you really, let alone pour out my life story to a bunch of strangers. So you keep your distance. I'll keep mine, and we'll all get along just fine. Thank you, not really"

Larry laughs out the last line and hands me the paper back as he shakes his head, a smile across his face. "Good one" he whispers as we sit back down. "Alrighty then, interesting but we got it?" she looks out to the other kids and get a few sighed out agreements and some nods. And with that, this boring-ass class begins.

Little Blue Whispers (Sally x Larry)Where stories live. Discover now