New Beginnings...

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Hi everyone. I know I haven't been updating for a while. I do apologize. But I am back now and I will try my best to update everything ASAP. But for now, let me get you up to date with what has been going on...

So I had to say goodbye to friends and family recently. My household, so mum, dad, me and 2 of my 3 little brothers have moved to the Netherlands. We found out in December 2018 and within a few months, we pack a few bags, sold everything else, said our goodbyes and boarded a flight, via Dubai, to the Netherlands. Here we moved from one place to the next. Getting a house to live in here is very difficult but after moving from one temporary home to the next, we finally moved into an apartment that we are now renting until we are eligible to buy a house which will probably be by the end of this year or middle of next. Also on a similar but different note, I attended my first day of school today. But seeing as you graduate at 16 here, I am technically finished with school so now I am just attending a linking program so that I am able to attend university here.

So the entire point of this program is for me to learn Dutch and get on par with my mathematics. I am so excited to learn this new language. As most of you know, or if you don't, I love languages. I got a new laptop so updating will also hopefully go quicker. I have had a lot of time to think about where I want 'In the end' to go so I am working on a few new chapters for that. But otherwise, I just want to say thank you for all the encouraging messages you guys sent and I absolutely love hearing from you so don't be shy. 

Till the next update!

like, comment and share, please!

 Love ya!

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