" yeah i know I'm doing my best" i said.

" let's eat I'm getting hungry," he said as he dragged me to the kitchen.

__ -:- __


oh this is my favorite part" baekhyun showed me a video they created last year it was a music video and the song title was blooming day.

" wow didn't know you guys where so great considering there are only three people in here" i said to him.

" yeah but we needed some help i just ask my other friends to help us with it" he said.

" areum" he called out my name.

" yes?" i looked at him.

" lets eat im getting hungry" he said as he pouted at me.

" ok what do you want baekhyun?" i asked him.

" im craving some pastries today" he said.

" oh my mom brought muffin earlier" i said as i went to the fridge grabbing the box of muffins.

" wah auntie must knew I'm going to be here" he said as he grabbed on from the box.

" yeah you're lucky" i said. Then i heard the doorbell rang.

" im going to get that" i said as i went to the door leaving baekhyun in the kitchen.

As i opened the door i saw mark and haechan infront.

" what are you guys doing here?" i asked them.

" well we forgot our keys in the house and also our phones died we just wanted to use your help and contact taeyong hyung so he knew that we don't have a key" mark explained.

" you two are so reckless.. Come in" i said as they went inside.

" where did you guys even went?" i asked them as i fetched my phone in the kitchen. Baekhyun was there there anymore.

Where is he?

" just strolling as usual" haechan said as they followed me into the kitchen. I looked around to find baekhyun and the two boys are just looking at me.

" looking for something?" haechan asked. I handed mark my phone.

" yeah.. My cousin was just here and now he's gone.." i said to them.

I went to the bathroom to check if he was there.

" beakhyun?" i knocked.

" yeah?"

Oh he's in there.

" nothing i was just looking for you i thought you left" i said.

Then the door opened.

" i just peed and now ypur looking for me" he said

" shut up" i didn't know how i got comfortable with baekhyun that fast since i knew that i didn't trust anyone that easily when i just met them.

We went to the kitchen and i saw haechan eating a muffin and mark was on my phone.

" guys this is baekhyun my-"

" hyung?!"  they knew each other?

Oh right taeyong was baekhyun's friend.

" what are you doing here hyung.." mark asked as he put down my phone on the table and he stood up.

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