Chapter 10

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Lisa's POV

*knock knock*

I am now infront of Jisoo and Jennie's room cause i want to talk to Jennie about her problem that Jisoo told me. I wish i can help her, in fact i'll do anything just to make her happy. I compose myself when i heard rushed footsteps, the door open in half and reveal her. My heartbeats became more faster and a smile instantly form on my lips as i saw the girl i love the most.

'My god, you're so beautiful'

"Hi Lili, come in" She said and move to the side letting me to go inside and i do so. I walk straight to her bed and lay myself comfortably. She just follow me and also lay herself beside me.

"What brings you here?" She asked. I faced her and bring my head up with my left hand supporting my head. She also faced me, so now we're facing each other. Oh god i wish this moment doesn't last. I can appreciate her beauty freely.

"Why? I can't visit my favorite person in the world?" I replied and pinch her nose. She playfully removes my hand and goes closer to me and hug me by my waist. I can smell her scent. Fuck it's so addicting.

"Pshh, what do you want Manoban?" She said while hugging me and with that i became serious.

"Jisoo unnie, told me that she caught you crying late night when we're in Thailand. Do you have some problems?" I feel her stiffened. I looked at her and tears were forming in her eyes. I got panicked and sit up straight.

"Oh my, im sorry." I said. You're such an idiot Lalisa!

"No, it's okay" She replied and sit herself too.

"Im really sorry Nini, maybe you don't want to talk about it. Im sorry to bri--"

"It's about Kai" She cut me off. I feel a hurt in my heart when i heard that name. The name that i want to be cause that name is the one who Jennie loves.

"W-what about him?" I asked even though i know that this will hurt me a lot.

"I still love him Lisa. I want him back" And with those word my heart shattered into million pieces. You're such an idiot Lisa, of course she still loves that man. They were in a relationship for 2 years, that can't be easily removed nor erased. I feel that tears were forming in my eyes so i looked up. Luckily she's not looking at me.

"I miss him Lisa. I miss how we talk late night. I miss how we sneaked out in 3:00 in the morning. I miss his i love yous. I miss his hug. I miss him so much" She said and her voice were cracking cause she's crying. Why don't you try love me? I'll make you happy everyday Nini. I'll take care for you, i'll love you more that myself. I look at her and she's looking down crying.

'Fuck don't cry, i want you to be happy'

"Does Kai makes you really happy?" I asked her, she looked at me and smiled

"Yes" When i heard her answer i made up my mind. I want her to be happy that's why im doing this even though that this decision will kill me. I cupped her cheeks and wipe the tears that falling fro  her precious eyes.

"Okay Nini, go get some rest i'll just go outside" I said and kiss her in her forehead. I walk straight outside and head to the Hotel's Rooftop where the pool is and some benches i sit in the pool side and dip my feet in the water, luckily no one is here. I looked at my phone in a minute or two thinking if i'll do it or not, but i want my Nini to be happy. I'll do anything just to make her happy even though it hurts me A LOT. My hands were shaking but i still manage to dialled his number and patiently wait for him to answer. After 4 more ring i hear him say Hello.

"Hello, do you have a minute?" I asked.

"Yeah. What is it?"

"I'll go straight to the point Kai, do you still love my Nini?" I asked and he didn't respond for a minute. I hear hin sigh.

"Honestly Lisa, I do still love her. My feelings for Jennie didn't change but fans were going crazy and Jennie is receiving bad comments and death threats. You know YG, if he find out that Jennie and I were still together Blackpink will be done and I can't let that happen" He said. He has a point tears were forming in my eyes but i compose and calm myself.I take a deep breath before answering.

'I love you so much Nini this is for you.'

"Jennie feels the same way. The fans were already cool down so you guys can get back together. He loves you so much Kai, please take care of Nini and don't hurt her. I want her to be happy" I said.

"What about YG? He'll find out" He asked. This boy is getting on my nerves. Can he just get Jennie back? Fuck him.

"Im on it, trust me. Now go get her" I end the call not waiting for his reply and tears that im holding earlier burst out. I hold my mouth preventing not to let out a sob. I hope Nini will be happy. Yeah she will be happy cause he is going to win her back. I look down and let all of my tears fell, i want to cry it all out.

Jennie's POV

When Lisa goes out of the room i stop crying. Yes, i want him back so bad. I love Kai so much and i can't afford to lose him that easily, i maybe happy when im with the girls but when im alone i can't help not to think about him. If he already eat his meal? If he's doing well? If he's fine? If he's taking care of himself? I miss our bonding like late night calls, hangouts and other stuffs. I miss his scent, his hair everything about him but now im losing hope that Kai and I were getting back together. Im busy with the girls on our tour so as he and YG will do everything just to break us, he can even risk the BLACKPINK for fuck's sake.

'Fuck Him'

Why does YG Entertainment have this bullshittery. Can they just be happy if one of us were happy with someone else?

I was about to sleep cause Lisa told to take some rest when i heard my phone ring. I get my phone and the ID Caller were not registered on my phone. Im hesitating to answer it cause it might be a blink or what but my instincts told me to pick it up.

"Hello?" I said, my heartbeat starts to pump like crazy when i heard that voice over the phone.

"Baby" Tears were forming from eyes. My god what is happening.

"Kai" I replied. I miss him calling me Baby.

"I miss you" He said. God knows how much i miss you Kai.

"I-i miss y-you too" I can't help myself not to cry cause i miss him more now.

"I love you Baby i still do and nothing change bout that, can i have another chance? I can't lose you" I cried more, im glad that he's going back to me. I thought he doesn't love me anymore.

"Ofcourse Baby. I love you so much" I replied with my sobs. I just can't help not to cry cause im so happy right now.

"Lisa told me that you still love me and you want me back" I cover my mouth. Lisa talked to Kai? Does Lisa talk to Kai cause she wants me to be happy?

"She wants you to be happy that's why she talked to me earlier and she wants us together" He said. My heart melts when i heard that. All this time Lisa want me to be happy. Lisa's always there for me.

"We should thank her Kai" I said and tears were flowing down my cheeks cause of happiness.

"Yeah, we should" Im so happy that Kai and I were now together. Thanks god cause i met Lisa.

"Talk to you later Baby, we'll have some fan meeting today. I love you" He said. I want to talk to him more but i understand that he must entertain their fans first cause im a artist like him, fans were always our priority.

"Okay, i love you too and take care" I said and end the call. I rushed out the room and find Lisa. I have thank her.

A/N: Where do broken heart goooooo? Don't be mad at me.
Spread the Love not the Legs!

Confusing The Straight Girl | JenLisa FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang