Then they heard Present Mic's loud voice in the distance. "Okay! Now the gates are opened!" Izuku immediately rushed in and left the other's behind. "But he didn't even say 'start' yet." One of them said.

          "There are no countdowns when it comes to being a hero so better gather some points!" Present Mic said. Izuku's hands were covered in cold mist. He pointed to a 1 pointer and a spear of ice impales it's head, immediately destroying it.

          He shouted. "Icicle Fall!" The mist covered the sky and it started raining giant icicles. They targeted the Robots and eliminated several dozen at once. He flicked his wrists and the mist disappeared.

          He put his hand forward as if trying to reach something. Then a scythe appeared in his hands.

          He ran and sliced five 3 pointers, nine 2 pointers, and 16 1 pointers with it

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          He ran and sliced five 3 pointers, nine 2 pointers, and 16 1 pointers with it.

          From the Monitor Room, Principal Nezu was smiling. "It seems that we have some very promising students this year. But how will they handle this." Nezu's padded paws pressed a giant red button.

          At All the Zones, a Giant robot emerged from the ground. It was approximately 500 ft tall. It then went on a rampage, destroying everything on sight. "It's the Zero Pointer!" Someone yelled. Quickly, everyone ran towards the gate in an attempt to flee.

          'We have 5 minutes left. I can still gather some point...' He then heard someone crying for help. He turned and saw Uraraka under a pile of rubble.

His body moved on it's own. It froze the rubble, turning it into ice. He used his scythe to shatter the ice. Uraraka managed to get out of it. "Are you hurt, Uraraka?" Izuku asked. "I'm fine, just had my ankle sprained." Uraraka said weakly.

Izuku smiled but it was short-lived. The Zero Pointer was still trying to stomp on the remaining students. "You go ahead, I'll deal with this oversized rust bucket." Izuku said and worked his scythe.

Uraraka nodded and ran. He looked at the Giant robot and said. "It's just you an me now buddy." Izuku then jumped up. The Robat tried to snatch him out of the air but he landed on it's arm and ran up.

The Cold Mist surrounded him. Spears, swords, and icicles shot out from it and hit the robot. They barely dented the robot, but it was more than enough to distract it.

The robot tried to grab him with his other arm. As the arm got near, Izuku jumped up and sliced the arm off. It fell on the ground with a giant thud.

Izuku was at the Shoulder now. He jumped at the top of a platform and made it onto the side of the head. He climbed on top of it. Izuku simply smiled as he was at the top.

"Phew! The Wind Up here Sure feels nice!" He exclaimed. The robot tried to grab Izuku when on his head but Izuku simply did a backflip and jumped away and off the robot. Suddenly the mist that surrounded him increased in size.

"Exploding Icicle Missiles!" He yelled. Thousands of Icicles shot out from the mist. they glowed as they got closer to the robot. Upon impact, they exploded and released waves of cold wind. They kept going and going, until the robot was now a pile of ice.

          Izuku was falling. But his arms went wide and soon he was gliding down to the ground. About 100 feet above the ground, he curled into a ball and spun forward.

          Just as he was about to hit the ground, he stuck  the landing, his feet and one hand on the ground. He stood up and bowed, as if he was on the stage of a Shakespearean play.

          "That was fun, is there another Zero Pointer Here?" Everyone was shocked. He wanted to take down another one. "Now now dearie, you can do that another time. But first, can you help me with the wounded?" They heard a voice say.

          It was Recovery Girl, with her syringe shaped cane. "Who is she?" One asked. "That's Recovery Girl. She's the nurse of UA." Recovery Girl went to Izuku. "Can you use your ice to help? It can help in reducing pains."

          Izuku nodded enthusiastically. He went around and coated the injuries of the examinees with his ice. It helped greatly. Uraraka went to him and said. "Wow, you're so cool! You barely had any trouble with that robot!" She said with enthusiasm.

          Izuku scratched the back of his neck. "It was nothing." "Nothing? You single handedly defeated the robot that all of us had trouble with!" They both heard someone say. It was the Blue Haired boy from earlier.

          "Oh. It's you." Izuku said with a bored expression. "Forgive me, for my disposition towards you earlier. But I am—." "Tenya Iida. The younger brother of Tensei Iida. Or Ingenium."

          Iida was flabbergasted that Izuku knew who he was. "How do you know him?" Iida asked. Izuku rolled his eyes and said. "Look in a mirror. You're the spitting image of your brother."

          Iida blushed in embarrassment. "I guess, I'm sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have been like that." Izuku smiled at that and said. "It's okay, I forgive you." He held out his hand towards Iida.

          Iida looked at it for a second and hesitantly accepted it. They both shook hands. "Oh, and I'm Izuku Midoriya, this is Ochako Uraraka." Izuku said. "Hi! I'm Ochako Uraraka but I guess that you already know that."

          Iida smiled and said. "Well, Midoriya And Uraraka, hopefully we see each other again in the Hero Course."

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