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My heart beats wildly out of my chest. All I know is that I want her. She wants me too I know it. She is always flirting with me. She even dresses up on the days we see each other.

I notice her coming down the hall a hundred feet away. She glides rather than walks down the hall. It's like she barely lifts a leg. Boy, her legs. Today she wears a blue skirt and white v neck tee shirt. I love it when she wears those.

She looks at me with a huge smile on her face. She is the only one who sees me. I admire her radiant beauty. No one will ever compare.

"Hey, how are you today?" She asks as she passes by me.

"Fine," I stammer out.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. Got any plans for this weekend?"

"I was planning on coming to see your show."

"Aww, how sweet of you. I look forward to seeing you there. We have to get a picture together," she beams.

"Okay," I reply.

"See you this weekend, okay?" She asks as leaves. "Marge, wait," she calls after her friend.

I can't believe she wants to get a picture with me. She's so beautiful and I'm not. I'm not worthy of even speaking to her. And yet, here she is. Asking for a picture with me. Man, am I lucky.

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