Its a Hell of a Feeling Though

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We finally made it home. I know, I know it's been a week, but I missed being home. I missed the fur babies and my actual babies. I wanted to spend time with them.

We returned home at midnight with the babies sleeping. Right when we got home we hit the bed and knocked out.

I woke up to screaming and whining. This is how home is, what I'm used to. I looked at my phone and it was 12pm. Wow I slept peacefully, something I needed the most. My body has been weird, but it's probably because we just came back from a trip.

I got up and threw on my robe and ran down the stairs. It was Brendon and the babies.

The babies were a year old. They were both sitting in their high chair. When Brendon was trying to feed them.

"Come on babies, eat for me. For dada please" Brendon whined.

These babies started screaming and babbled. Then blew raspberries. Then laughed. They were so adorable.

I took my phone out and took pictures of them. Just as I placed my phone on the counter. I heard Brendon let out a gasp. I looked around and noticed something on me. I looked up at the babies and they were pointing at me. I looked at Brendon and he shrugged and pointed at Luke.

Luke shook his head and pointed at Brendon.

"Wow Luke, you wont eat. But you'll tell Mama who did it?!?" Brendon whined.

I looked at my body and I was covered with the kids baby food. I'm assuming Brendon was trying to flick the food into their mouth but then it landed on me instead.

I was feeding the babies. Someone was at the door.

"Hey Brendon, can you come finish feeding the kids please?" I ask. Brendon pauses the game and comes over to feed the babies.

Meanwhile, that is happening I wash my hand and runs towards the door. The bell is ringing non stop.

"Geezus Christ, hold your horses I'm coming" I scream while running towards the door.

I open it and it was Poppy and Ryan. They hugged me and ran inside the house. I shut the door.

"What are y'all up to?" They asks.

"Chilling, and feeding these kids" I say pointing to the babies.

Ryan went over to Brendon where me and Poppy started a convo.

"Hey guys, I discovered this. Since the babies don't want to eat imma try to do this" He says. He asks Ryan to open his mouth and he scoops the food in the spoon. The babies are watching now.

"Brendon Boyd Urie, if you make a mess you are cleaning it up" I say.

"Alright I'll do it my queen" He says bowing down.

"Alright Ryan ready?" He says

"B what are you doing?" Ryan asks.

"Umm something" he winks. He then prepares to launch the food into Ryan's mouth and misses and it ends up getting me instead.

I looked at Brendon and he does it again, this time getting onto Ryan's mouth.

I guess Ryan didn't like it. He turns around and spits it all over me earning laughs from Brendon and Poppy. I look up and glare at Ryan and Brendon.

"Oh my god, that was so disgusting. No matter the kids don't like it, and I'm so sorry Scar" Ryan says.

Brendon puts his hands up for surrender. I then start running after him. He runs around the island counter for awhile until I get tired and go after him again.

Poppy then sticks out her foot and ends up tripping Brendon then me falling on top of him.

* Flashback ends*

"Brendon againnnnnnn" I whined. He looks surprised. He wiped the babies down and set the food on the table and leave the babies in their play pins.

He then gets up and runs. I ran after him. Geez I need to start working out again. I need to lose this baby weight.

Turns out Brendon ran into the bathroom and locks himself in there. I bang on the door. I keep knocking on the door.

"Brendon, come on let me in. I'm not gonna get revenge on you or maybe I will" I say he opens the door and it's steamed up. He picks me up bridal style and throws me in the bathtub and shuts the door and run out.

Minus well clean myself up and then maybe plan for revenge.


I am so dead now. Why? You may say. Well I just flicked the food all over my wife, not once, but twice now. At least this isn't like last time where Ryan spitted the food on her too. Not my fault that she was in my target area again.

I get up to clean the babies and then ran to the bathroom. I decided to start the bath for her while I'm locked up in the bathroom.

I then hear her pounding in the door and I open it up. I pick her up and put her in the bathtub and close the door and run off.

I knew that she's gonna try to get revenge when she comes out. So I prepared my area. I got a bunch of darts and a nerf gun. Then made my very own pillow fort. I prepare to attack.

Then I hear the lock open and I hear Scarlett walk out. I look up and see her in her bath robe. Then I took out the gun and attacked her and chased her into the room.


I was done taking a bath that I needed thanks to Brendon. I heard some shuffling around outside but it's probably Brendon cleaning. I got lost in thought and then something clicked.

"Wait I haven't gotten my period yet?!?" I mumbled. I was a few days passed my date.

"No no not again" I say. I open up the drawer and found a pregnancy test.

I followed the instruction and leave it on the counter top. I threw on my bath robe and put the test in my pocket.

I opened the door slowly and walked out. Next thing you know I'm getting attacked by a bullet. I turn around to see Brendon trotting after me. I ran into the room and locked myself in there. I made sure all the door were locked.

I took off the robe and put on my clothes. Black leggings and a top. I put my hair up in a messy bun. Dammit, I haven't had breakfast yet. And I'm trapped inside the room. I decide to grab the test and look at it.

"No way, not again. It can't be" I mumbled.

I looked at it even more and saw that it said "positive" as in pregnant.

Yee haww, took awhile to write this chapter. I mean I wrote the beginning part then got lost and need motivation, but hey I finished writing it which is good. So yea I hope you guys are excited of what is ahead in the future. Finished writing 5/26/19.Welp hope you guys enjoyed and vote on this chapter. Adios until next time, my vros ✌🏼

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