Chapter 9

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when I woke up a felt something really heavy wrapped around my waist when I looked down I saw it was Blakes arm. then I looked up to his face he looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake him up but I really had to go to the bath room so I tried to move his arm but he had a death grip on me

once I finally got out of his grip I started walking to the bathroom and did my business when I walked out Blake was no longer sleeping he was sitting at the end of the bed with his head in his hands. so I slowly walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder

" Blake are you ok?" I said nervously

he didn't respond he just kept his head down and his body was shaking like he was crying

" Blake please answer me your scaring me, please tell me what's wrong" I said starting to cry to

I cant help but to think the worst of everything did someone die is Stacy ok. I had to be strong and make sure he was ok so I grabbed his face and brought it up to mine

" its ok Blake, everything's going to be ok"

after I said that he pulled me on his lap and just held me like that for I don't know how long once he fell back asleep I went down stairs in the kitchen to make him some soup my mom used to make for me when I was sad

when I was done making the soup and sandwich I put it on a tray and started walking towards Blakes room and put it on the dresser so I could wake him up

" Blake wake up you need to eat" I said while running my fingers through his hair

he slowly started to wake up and once he sat up I brought over the food for him to eat

" thank you Lexi for everything" he said

"it not a problem I know you would do the same for me, actually you already have many times after I said that I giggled a little thinking about the time Blake found me after me and my last boyfriend broke up

"they killed him" he said out of nowhere

" WHAT" I said confused

"they killed Dustin" he said starting to get angry

" Blake slow down who killed Dustin if you know we have to go to the police" i said panicking 

after I said that he started laughing very low and dangerous

" the police cant help with this one sweet heart I will kill the bastard with my own hands" he said dangerously

" I know Dustin was one of your best friends. Blake I'm so sorry what happened to him" I said thinking he was saying these things because he wanted revenge for his friend I know he would never actually do that. right?

" he went to go pick up a shipment and they doubled crossed us, shot him in the head and took the shipment" he said

once he said that he got up pushing me out of the way and making his way to his office and I started to follow because I didn't want him to be alone right now when I made it to the office I saw him pull out a gun

" b-blake what are you doing with that' I said stuttering stepping back

"there's a lot of things you don't know about me Lexi if you did you would never look at me the same again" he said walking towards me with the gun in his hand

I didn't like this Blake he scarred me and when he got closer to me he punched the wall right by my head and looked me dead in the eye and told me

" the man that did this will suffer pain worse then death and that's a promise" he said with a creepy smile

when he said that I got so scarred I literally just sprinted out of the house before coming to one of the many cars parked outside which just so happened to be an Audi R8. I thanked god when I saw that the keys were in the ignition so I hurried and turned the car on when I saw Blake rum up to the car and punch the window

" Lexi please let me explain"

I just shook my head no and sped off. when I looked In the rear view mirror I saw him just watching me drive away

it hurt a lot to leave him when I know he needed someone but I feel like I don't even know him the Blake I know would never own a gun and threaten to kill someone he was my best friends dad the one that held me when I feel down the one I could tell anything to

I have been driving for hours no and had no idea where I was and it was starting to get dark I had nothing with me since I literally left everything and ran but I did I finally came across this little diner

" hello I'm sorry to ask you this but can I please use your phone to call someone I'm kind of lost" I asked the old lady at the counter

"of course dear" she said smiling hand me her phone

I had no one to call but Blake and I really didn't want to call him but I also didn't want to die out here so I dialed his number

" who is this'' I could he the anger that laced his voice

I didn't answer I was to scared I guess something clicked in his head and he knew it was me

"Lexi is that you" he said relieved

"yes" I said but it barely came out as a whisper

" tell me where you are" he pleaded I sighed and told him where I was he said he would be here soon

I decided I would go sit in my car instead of here maybe I could take I quick nap but on the way to the car I felt something hit the back of my head and I blacked out

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