001. the grounding

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*alyssas pov*
i was at some party dancing on the table. whats new? i was with some friends at a party. then i remembered. this was my party. and then my parents came home.
well shit
everyone started running around and mumbling
alyssa: ugh come onnn.
by now everyone was gone
mother: what the hell were you thinking? throwing a lartt while we were at dinner?
father: i think its time.
alyssa: what you are you gonna do?  threaten me with boarding school again dad? whats that gonna do?
mother: we are leaving for business for 3 years. youre getting a babysitter
alyssa: seriously? im 16 mom in 3 years ill be moved out and in college
father: like you could get in any college
alyssa: wow dad thanks for the fucking support. by the way, ive got straight a's. and i have been getting them since the 6th grade. not that you care anyways.
mother: whatever. go to sleep. we are leaving in the morning.
alyssa: see you in hell
i walked up to my room and went to sleep.
*nicks pov*
i was driving home with my little brother finn. yeah. then i got a call from a random number
i paused the music and i answered it
-on the phone-
nick: talk to me
mother: hello, is this nick wolfhard?
nick: the one and only
father: we saw your ad for a long term baby sitter on facebook. we are leaving for 3 years and we have just learned we cant trust our daughter, do you mind staying with her?
nick: yeah sure, when do you leave?
mother: tomorrow. and shes homeschooled so you dont have to worry about that
nick: okay cool, how mych would i make?
father: $117 a week?
nick: i could do that. just text me your address and ill see you in the morning.
mother: great! well-
nick: oh um wait,  could my brother stay with us as well?
father: i guess so. well we should get going now. see you tomorrow
nick: have a nice night
-off the phone-
finn: what was that about, where are we staying? im so confused
nick: i just got this babysitting job for 3 years. you get to stay with me
finn: girl or guy?
nick: girl. they said they cant trust her so im guessing shes your age
finn: well shit nick! shes probaby some crazed fan
nick: then youll deal with it! im not staying there alone! plus you dont have any friends here
finn: fine. when do we go?
nick: tomorrow
finn: alright. wake me up and hour before we leave
nick: you got it
we went inside and parted ways to our rooms.
i guess this could be fun

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